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Example sentences for "quested"

Lexicographically close words:
querying; ques; quest; questa; queste; questi; questing; question; questionable; questionably
  1. In so far as she found herself different from the girls of her acquaintance, she quested here to try to identify her characteristics in the pictured face.

  2. From the open doorway came a flash of electric light, like a tiny searchlight, which quested about the barn and came to rest on her and Billy.

  3. He quested across the face of the slide to the opposite wall of the vein and back again.

  4. His eyes quested for familiar faces as he went along.

  5. Wild fowl, driving up from the south in wind-jamming wedges, halted, looked vainly for open water, and quested dauntlessly on into the north.

  6. She quested back to the shrouded head again, and knew the unmistakable poise.

  7. His chin went down upon his chest and he quested back to a flaxen-haired Saxon woman, strayed like a bit of sunshine into the log store by the Dyea River.

  8. Again he quested seaward for signs of wind.

  9. Over she pressed, and lee-rail under, while he measured the weight of the wind and quested its easement.

  10. He had quested for the difference with his ear,--and the difference lay in the feel of the sound.

  11. His eyes swept every inch of ground for a sign that differed from the rest and his nose quested for a spot which held the taint of man.

  12. Jolly Roger quested with him for a few moments, and when he failed to find marks in the ground he began cleaning a fish for supper, and said.

  13. There followed a weird and appalling silence, and in that stillness Peter quested vainly for the sunlight he had lost.

  14. But as they drew nearer he listened in vain for the bark of a dog, and his eyes quested as futilely for a point of light in the wide canopy of gloom.

  15. At first he did not see Gloria; but his eyes quested until at last they found her.

  16. Gratton alone; Gratton looking back over his shoulder more often than he quested far ahead; Gratton in a mad attempt to make haste where haste was impossible.

  17. For Benny believed in making sure of what they had, even while they quested better things.

  18. A close squeak," said Grimshaw, Captain Doane shook his head, as his anxious eyes cast aloft to the empty canvas and quested on over the sea in the hope of wind-ruffles on the water.

  19. Two or three hundred yards up the mountainside the slope shelved downward into a hollow, or dip, and nosing about in this dip, questing the air as Thor had quested it, was the beautiful she-grizzly from over the range.

  20. The beast came into the launde all scared, for she had twelve hounds in her belly, that quested within like as it were hounds in a wood, and she fled adown the launde for fear of the hounds, the questing whereof she had within her.

  21. As we the quested beauties better wit Of the one grove our own than forests great, Restraint, by the delighted search of it, Turns to right scope.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quested" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.