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Example sentences for "restate"

Lexicographically close words:
ressources; rest; resta; restart; restat; restated; restatement; restates; restating; restaurant
  1. When you have thus given a clear and convincing definition of all the terms, it is a good plan to restate the whole question in the light of those definitions.

  2. It is said that Lincoln used this method with splendid effect: He would often restate the argument of his opponent with great force and clearness; he would make it seem irrefutable.

  3. The truth would state itself to him, and as he tried to restate it, lo, it was gone.

  4. After all, when Keats had wrought forever in a beautiful statement the fact of a Sabbath eve, the reader could not restate why he had wrought it forever.

  5. Art could do no more than preserve the sense of the fact: it could not resolve it in such a way that life would cease to be the baffling attempt it was on the individual's part to restate to himself his personal dreams.

  6. On May 1st Miliukov, the Foreign Minister, transmitted this Manifesto to the Allied governments as a preliminary to an invitation to those governments to restate their war aims.

  7. Referring the reader to the chapter indicated, we shall here simply restate our results.

  8. But when we come to restate it, the distinction between Free Will and Determinism appears to be by no means so clear and intelligible as it seemed at first sight.

  9. He goes on to restate it in the form: Does life yield “a surplus of pleasurable feeling over painful feeling?

  10. A new background, a new basis of application, appears for logic, and it may be useful to restate old truths in new words, the better to prove their eternal validity.

  11. Restate Sections 1 and 2 of Article IV in form appropriate for insertion in Section 10 of Article I.

  12. Can you restate Sections 3 and 4 so as to fit them for insertion under any preceding Article?

  13. What he wanted to do was to take it out of the region of religion, where familiarity with it had bread an approach to contempt; and restate it robbed of that familiarity, and clothed anew in a garb of sweet reasonableness.

  14. Thought of all kinds was in a ferment, and the world filled with the confused noise of its expression; clear voices were needed, to restate the message of the Teachers of old.

  15. The teachings were there; and he had no need to restate them: he might take the great principles as already enounced.

  16. Each age must be at liberty "to restate the doctrines of the past in accordance with the newness of the age and with the ancient verity of truth.

  17. What two difficulties lie in the path of reconciliation, and why should each century restate its truths?

  18. Each century must restate its truths in terms of its own time.

  19. The Conclusion: Restate your position to the topic.

  20. Restate your reasons in the same order as in the introduction and body: A, B, C.

  21. This had been my previous argument, and, stimulated by current events, I felt impelled to restate it in greater detail and with more pungent illustrations.

  22. If my criticisms of the utility theory of value are sound, and if what has gone before in this chapter holds good, we must restate Schumpeter's contrast.

  23. We need to recover our self-consciousness, to restate what we mean by America.

  24. Let us restate the policy of Lincoln, who paused in the stress of a great war to strike hands with the workers of England, because they and he were at one in the love of liberty.

  25. Which serves to restate the question as to how far it is probable, or improbable, that all matter in motion is conscious volition--i.

  26. We may restate the distribution of companies in the trenches as follows: In Front-- No.

  27. Through conversation and reading we learn what others think, and it is often of value to restate these ideas.

  28. Can you restate the following propositions so that the meaning of each will be made more definite?

  29. But before I proceed, I will beg leave to restate to your Lordships and recall to your memory who these women were.

  30. But how (to restate an objection raised above) can the Vedânta-texts if untrue convey information about the true being of Brahman?

  31. The advocate of the former interpretation will here, perhaps, restate an argument already made use of above, viz.

  32. But I had to restate my position more clearly.

  33. How good it is sometimes simply to break away from all old categories, deny old worn-out beliefs, and restate things ab initio, making the lines of division fall into entirely new places!

  34. Before leaving the more theoretical and abstracter part of the theory of value, it may be well, at the cost of some repetition, to restate and review the relations of the various parts of the argument.

  35. Let us restate the ideas that have been touched upon.

  36. This difference is so important that, risking the fear of being tedious, I must restate my belief in the unlikeness of the sexes.

  37. To restate the point in regard to the psychological function of imagery.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "restate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.