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Example sentences for "sanctions"

Lexicographically close words:
sanctifying; sanctimonious; sanction; sanctioned; sanctioning; sanctissimi; sanctitate; sanctities; sanctity; sanctorum
  1. The succession, supported by the military and in contravention of the nation's constitution, was challenged by popular protest and a threat of sanctions from regional leaders.

  2. Almost all US unilateral sanctions against Libya were removed in April 2004, helping Libya attract more foreign direct investment, mostly in the energy sector.

  3. An absence of infrastructure, UN sanctions on the downsized Yugoslavia, one of its largest markets, and a Greek economic embargo over a dispute about the country's constitutional name and flag hindered economic growth until 1996.

  4. Iran has been designated a state sponsor of terrorism for its activities in Lebanon and elsewhere in the world and remains subject to US economic sanctions and export controls because of its continued involvement.

  5. The Senate is making rules for the courts of the United States, and now by its vote sanctions the rule that a witness who happens to have a color different from ours is incompetent to testify, he cannot be heard in court.

  6. State and local law will usually determine the range of sanctions that is permissible.

  7. The program provides strict sanctions for students caught with drugs, but its main emphasis is on prevention.

  8. Generally, State and local law will determine the range of sanctions permitted.

  9. A further complication is the imposition of economic sanctions by the UN.

  10. The trade deficit, exacerbated by UN trade sanctions against neighboring Serbia, grew in late 1993, accelerating the depreciation of the lev.

  11. We have all robbed the people, we have stolen their land and have then made a law forbidding them to steal it back; and the Church sanctions all these things.

  12. What does the artisan class, what does the town democracy throughout Europe, care any longer for Christian checks or Christian sanctions as they have been taught to understand them?

  13. If I understand you aright, you have flung away the sanctions of orthodoxy.

  14. In the presence of such a judicatory the voice of faction is presumed to be silent, and the sentence of guilt or innocence is pronounced under the most solemn sanctions of religion, of honor, and of law.

  15. The universal law sanctions and the common good requires the existence of such a rule.

  16. His sway is a very mild one; he dispenses no substantial punishments; public opinion and tradition seem to be the sole and sufficient sanctions of conduct among these Arcadian bands of gentle wary wanderers.

  17. Thus on them, rather than on the gods, are founded the effective sanctions of prohibitive rules of conduct.

  18. Where custom sanctions slavery, it is certainly not impartial to the slaves.

  19. To the social and legal sanctions a new one is added, which derives particular strength from the supernatural power and knowledge of the deity.

  20. In the latter case the sanctions are called punishments.

  21. But on the other hand there are also certain circumstances which considerably detract from the {735} influence of the religious sanction when compared with other sanctions of morality.

  22. It is indeed wonderful that so many should be thus deluded over and over again; so many noble energies thrown away, so many sanctions trampled upon, so many bright hopes quenched for ever.

  23. I say, then, in the first place, that religion furnishes great help for man in the various issues of life, when he becomes actually convinced that its truths and sanctions are genuine.

  24. And the license-system--for I wish to be plain and specific here--confirms and sanctions the agents of intemperance.

  25. Master and slave are the subjects of that government, bound by its immutable requirements, and liable to its sanctions in the next world, though enjoying its forbearance in this.

  26. You are fully aware, also, that the question, whether the Bible sanctions slavery, has distinctly divided this nation in sentiment.

  27. Moreover in all churches he ordained the apostolic sanctions and the decrees of the holy fathers, and especially the customs of the holy Roman Church.

  28. He established in all the churches the apostolic sanctions and the decrees of the holy fathers, and especially the customs of the Holy Roman Church.

  29. The economic boom anticipated by the government after the suspension of UN sanctions in December 1995 has failed to materialize.

  30. Also, the Outer Wall sanctions that exclude Belgrade from international financial institutions and an investment ban and asset freeze imposed in 1998 because of Belgrade's repressive actions in Kosovo have added to economic difficulties.

  31. The UN sanctions imposed in April 1992 do not have a major impact on the economy although they have increased transaction and transportation costs.

  32. But it should not be forgotten that the same constitutional compact which now sanctions slavery guaranteed protection for twenty years to the foreign slave-trade.

  33. It is given to confirm the sanctions of morality by the assurance of a judgment to come.

  34. The mode of conviction is as extraordinary as the penal sanctions of this act.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sanctions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.