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Example sentences for "scabrous"

Lexicographically close words:
scabbards; scabbed; scabby; scabies; scabious; scabs; scads; scaena; scaffold; scaffolded
  1. The numerous varieties with their peculiarities here given by Professor Peck will enable the finder of a Boletus with a distinctly scabrous stem—roughened with scales, not reticulate—to select its name.

  2. The stem is distinctly scabrous or roughened with small blackish-brown or reddish dots or scales, the ground color generally being whitish, grayish or pallid.

  3. The walls and towers of Rahn gleamed bright gold, in parts, and in parts they seemed dull and scabrous with some creeping fungus stuff, and on one side of the city the wall was overwhelmed by a triumphant tide of green.

  4. Coming through the tangled jungle growth, it seemed as if spears of flame shot through the air, irradiating stray patches of scabrous tree-trunk with unbearable light.

  5. Des Boys confided to himself all the scabrous or moral banalities that such a subject could make him think of.

  6. Goujart paid no attention either to Christophe or the other German, but discussed certain scabrous subjects in connection with the coarser branches of physiology with Dr.

  7. The whole relation had been ruined by entering this scabrous building.

  8. Leaves obovate, cuspidate, doubly and coarsely serrate, cuneate and nearly equal at the base, always exceedingly scabrous above, evenly downy beneath.

  9. The crabbed uncle rushes out, blustering, cursing; the nephew takes up another of those scabrous missiles and sends it whizzing across his shoulder.

  10. Whereupon Khalid, who was then in the first of his teens, takes a big scabrous rock and sends it flying against that door.

  11. Prostrate scabrous vines, rooting at the joints, with large yellow flowers and large fruit.

  12. The typical form has thin narrowly to oblong-lanceolate leaves, sometimes scabrous above, and linear scales with narrow acute spreading or recurved tips.

  13. Low, with more rigid and hispidulous scabrous leaves.

  14. Characters as in Kuhnia; involucral scales more numerous, and the bristles of the pappus merely scabrous or at the most barbellate or subplumose; leaves often all opposite.

  15. Carol glanced from the scabrous object to Vida, and realized that she was not joking.

  16. From the scabrous mottle of the head, cruel, unintelligent, bestial eyes glared at the rearing tyranosaur.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scabrous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    craggy; difficult; dirty; flaky; flocculent; hairy; hard; harsh; ironbound; jagged; licentious; obscene; racy; risky; risque; rough; rugged; salty; scabby; scabrous; scaly; scraggy; scurfy; scurrilous; spicy; suggestive; uneven