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Example sentences for "shirker"

Lexicographically close words:
shirife; shiriffe; shiriffes; shirk; shirked; shirkers; shirking; shirks; shirra; shirred
  1. Should we not be willing to do our part to get these things, or must we be a sponger, a coward, or shirker and let our fellow man do all?

  2. Judy will be calling me a shirker if I don’t.

  3. I’ve felt like a shirker these last weeks.

  4. They will not, they call me shirker for remaining only one night!

  5. She is wretched because Mr. Serjeant Shirker worships money and ambition, and is a Snob and a coward.

  6. The marriage trailed on year after year, while Mr. Serjeant Shirker grew to be the famous lawyer he is.

  7. Well, Shirker was just as proud of his prudence--just as thankful for his own meanness, and of course would not marry without a competency.

  8. A vagrant, a loafer, or a work-shirker falls into the hands of the policeman, who in Germany is taught to protect both the highway and the street against uses for which they were never intended.

  9. Probably the brother is a shirker or a conscientious objector," she thought, "and to such a patriotic girl as Chrissie it must be a dreadful trial.

  10. The poor chap had had influenza, but he was so afraid of being thought a shirker that he made a push to go.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shirker" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bungler; idler; loafer; malingerer; shirker; skulk; slacker; sluggard; slut; soldier; trifler; truant