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Example sentences for "snotty"

Lexicographically close words:
snorted; snorting; snortings; snorts; snotties; snout; snouted; snouts; snow; snowball
  1. Ain' nobody want to drink out no tub you wash your snotty nose in.

  2. You ought to been name Snotty wid your mouth all de time lookin like you ain' hear tell of no pocket rag.

  3. You made me chase Snotty off the job, and you're goin' t'rough wit' it.

  4. The passer-boy Snotty was found to replace her, and she hurried to Davidge's office.

  5. Sutton urged her to lay off and give way to Snotty or somebody whose health didn't matter a damn.

  6. Put her at her ease, said a snotty voice in my head.

  7. He'd stand me to meals at sidewalk cafes and concerts at the SkyDome, and shoot down any snotty reputation-punk who sneered at my Whuffie tally.

  8. I turned to Lil to make some snotty remark, but her eyes were closed, her mouth lolling open, her breath coming in short huffs.

  9. He "took over" from the snotty of the first watch, and, as soon as his sleepy eyes had become accustomed to the darkness, began pacing up and down across the narrow deck.

  10. Another snotty told them of the awful shortage of water during the first two fateful days, and how terribly the troops had suffered.

  11. The Lamp-post was a tall, stooping snotty with sloping shoulders; his clothes were always too small for him, and his long thin arms and legs were always in his own way and in that of everyone else.

  12. I may here admit that I felt a bit "out of it" at first, as most of the mess had been working together for the best part of a year, and the position of a newly joined Snotty is not unlike that of a new boy at school.

  13. One of her shells severed our forestay and it fell on the head of the Snotty on the forebridge, causing him to express himself in sanguinary terms, but not really injuring him at all.

  14. Tea in the gunroom followed, after which the Senior Snotty showed me round the ship.

  15. After you with the deck watch," I said to the Snotty who was using it.

  16. If I, a mere snotty in the old Olympus, felt sore in my bones what must the Owners and the Admirals have felt?

  17. I was senior snotty of the Olympus, and I was on the after look-out platform as the ship cast loose from her moorings and moved away, to take her place in the line.

  18. That snotty was a sheer joy, and the Navy is full of him.

  19. I do not know whether they are never young or that they never grow old, but there is no essential difference in age and in knowledge between a snotty six months out of cadet training and a Commander of six years’ standing.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "snotty" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    arrogant; clannish; conceited; condescending; contemptuous; contumelious; disdainful; exclusive; haughty; lofty; overbearing; patronizing; pompous; pretentious; priggish; proud; scornful; sneering; sniffy; snippy; snobbish; snotty; supercilious; uppish; withering