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Example sentences for "pompous"

Lexicographically close words:
pompion; pompions; pompom; pompons; pomposity; pompously; pomps; poms; poncho; ponchos
  1. Her dreams that had opened sullenly to the sound waited for no answer, but closed again into pompous darkness.

  2. There were, as we know already, no windows; but a slight interruption to Mr. Urquiza's pompous tread showed that there were steps downwards into the room.

  3. His illustrious coadjutors exacted of him fidelity to the sense of their author, and they corrected Jackson's inelegant English, weeding it of its pompous coarseness.

  4. They come on the stage only to utter pompous sentiments of morality, turgid declamation, and frigid similes.

  5. George Eliot hits off pompous self-conceit happily when she likens its possessor to "a cock that thinks the sun rises in the morning to hear him crow.

  6. Who said the average man isn't a pompous idiot?

  7. All[k] Times their Scenes of pompous Woes afford, From Persia's Tyrant to Bavaria's Lord.

  8. The day following the return of the duke's fool to the castle, Francis, who early in his reign had sought to model his life after the chivalrous romances, inaugurated a splendid and pompous tournament.

  9. He can be fiery and insipid, metallic and morbid; his Orientalism is at times transposed from the work of his old friend the painter Chasseriau into the key of a brilliant, if pompous rhetoric.

  10. I could not help wondering how the verbose and pompous major had paraphrased and condensed that inchoate mass of biography and reminiscence into an orderly account for his wife and niece.

  11. The man Evans went his pompous way, accepting Sheener's homage and protection as a matter of right, and in the course of half a dozen years I left the paper for other work, saw Sheener seldom, and Evans not at all.

  12. Jeffreys, a pompous and rather frowsy ecclesiastic, said grace, for grace was still in fashion at such feasts in those days, asking Heaven to make us truly thankful for the dinner we were about to consume.

  13. It was better to quote these beautiful stanzas from "Jerusalem Delivered" than to reproduce the pompous and monotonous phrases of the chroniclers.

  14. Their original object was no doubt to illustrate the pompous inscription which surrounds the great court in immense capitals.

  15. Pietro Riario, the new Pontiff's favourite nephew, having been raised by him to the purple, and appointed legate of all Italy, made a pompous progress throughout the provinces thus placed under his nominal jurisdiction.

  16. The new order of the emperor introduced for the first time the pompous and splendid etiquette of the House of Burgundy, which has since been adopted in most monarchies.

  17. Will you dare call this enthusiasm, ye crowd of pompous declaimers?

  18. When her curious visitors asked her what she was going to do with them, she replied with apparent carelessness, under which lurked much pompous pride: “Do with them?

  19. Having the royal ear, even princes and nobles fawned upon him in menial attentions, and high titled lords served the pompous cardinal on their knees, and deemed it a privilege to do his august bidding.

  20. And so with pompous brusqueness she announces the object of her visit to Madame de Genlis.

  21. Carling was once more the pompous bank official.

  22. Ye kings, monarchs, potentates, anointed majesties, have I given you all your pompous titles?

  23. How we are tortured when we hear a dull soliloquy delivered in a pompous tone, or indifferent verses read with all the emphasis of a wretched poet!

  24. I have seldom felt such a fool," he began upon a note of pompous reminiscence that whistled in his mustache like a wind through withered sedge on the margin of a December stream.

  25. He would show that pompous old bore Stilton that the Derby could be won without being a member of the Jockey Club.

  26. There is no way in or out of the boat for a woman but by being carried; and in the boat thus dignified with a pompous name there is no seat but an occasional bundle of straw.

  27. This pompous and very learned scribbler, goes on to harangue the public about the danger, hazard, terror and destruction which will attend the adoption of the federal Constitution.

  28. But this was not done by pompous inscriptions, or by a vain enumeration of all the deceased had performed--inscriptions which, among us, tell more of the vanity than of the grief of the survivors.

  29. I can't stand old Portman's sermons, and pompous after-dinner conversation.

  30. How pompous some of the grand passages appeared; and how weak others were in which he thought he had expressed his full heart!

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pompous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    affected; arrogant; assured; awkward; bedizened; bloated; bombastic; ceremonial; ceremonious; cocksure; condescending; confident; conventional; convinced; cramped; cumbrous; decided; declamatory; decorous; determined; disdainful; elephantine; elevated; flamboyant; flaming; flashy; flatulent; flaunting; flowery; forced; formal; fulsome; garish; gassy; gaudy; genteel; glorified; grandiloquent; grandiose; halting; heavy; inflated; labored; labyrinthine; leaden; liturgic; liturgical; lofty; lumbering; lurid; majestic; mannered; meretricious; official; orotund; ostentatious; overconfident; overdone; overweening; overwrought; pedantic; persuaded; poised; pompous; ponderous; pontifical; positive; presumptuous; pretentious; proud; purple; regal; rhetorical; ritual; ritualistic; sacerdotal; secure; sensational; sententious; sesquipedalian; showy; snobbish; solemn; sonorous; stately; stiff; stilted; stuffy; supercilious; sure; swollen; tall; tortuous; tumid; turgid; unafraid; undoubting; unfaltering; unhesitating; unwavering; unwieldy