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Example sentences for "liturgic"

Lexicographically close words:
littora; littoral; littore; littus; litty; liturgical; liturgies; liturgische; liturgy; litus
  1. Besides this collection there are two collections of the liturgic prayers which ought to accompany the performance of sacrifice.

  2. This psalm is evidently intended for liturgic use.

  3. Thus, dramatic and musical art both sprang from the same religious root, the liturgic ceremonial, thence to pursue different directions of development.

  4. The liturgic song that survived in the cult, however, entered into reciprocal relations with the secular forms of the song, and a copious interchange of melodic motives ensued.

  5. One must not hope therefore to find, among the Jews of Northern France, those literary species which blossomed and flourished in Spain; philosophy did not exist among them, and poetry was confined to a few dry liturgic poems.

  6. He was a Talmudist held in high regard and the composer of liturgic poetry.

  7. The mystics leaned to rigid unity, and in the sixth century Saint Gregory published his 'Antifonario,' a collection of all liturgic melodies, purifying them according to his ideas.

  8. The people who still believe know nothing of the liturgy; they do not prize it and have forgotten all about it; they are only attracted by the novenas, the triduos and retreats, all that is termed tolerated and extra-liturgic worship.

  9. But the weight of evidence and analogy inclines to the belief that the liturgic song of the Church, both of the East and West, was drawn partly in form and almost wholly in spirit and complexion from the Greek and Greco-Roman musical practice.

  10. At this point we reach the real underlying motive, however unconscious of it individual composers may have been, which compelled the revolution in liturgic music.

  11. As regards artistic and liturgic music Hooker's argument is so clear, persuasive, and complete that all later contestants upon the ritualistic side have derived their weapons, more or less consciously, from his armory.

  12. The English chant is almost entirely syllabic, even two notes to a syllable are rare, while there is nothing remotely corresponding to the melismas of the Catholic liturgic song.

  13. Under all these conditions the music of the Church in Italy became a liturgic music, and, as in the East, the laity resigned the main offices of song to a choir consisting of subordinate clergy and appointed by clerical authority.

  14. The compilation and composition of the liturgic songs, which was traditionally ascribed to St. Gregory I.

  15. All the more reason, therefore, why this consciousness of unity should pervade all portions of the ceremony, and the spirit of the liturgic chant should blend even with the large freedom of modern musical experiment.

  16. The abstract nature of music as an art, together with the engrossing routine of a liturgic office, kept these men, as it were, close to the inner sanctuary of their religion, where the ecclesiastical traditions were strongest and purest.

  17. The conquests of the Moslem power in the seventh century drove many Syrian monks into Italy, and their liturgic practice, half Greek, half Semitic, could not fail to make itself felt among their adopted brethren.

  18. The non-liturgic method may without difficulty borrow this conception of harmony and elevation, applying it so far as its own customs and rules of public worship allow.

  19. Detached allusions to this pope as the founder of the liturgic chant appear before John's day, the earliest being in a manuscript addressed by Pope Hadrian I.

  20. Beside, did not the clergy find themselves on their own ground, in these plays, instituted in order to increase the solemnity of their sacred days, and evincing unquestionable traces of a liturgic origin?

  21. The Master commanded the offerings and liturgic acts to be performed with care, and not to be done rashly or in disorder, but at fixed times and seasons.

  22. He who speaks in this language intimates thereby that he has power to deprive of the liturgic office, that is, of the episcopate, and acknowledges that he will have to answer for the exercise of that power.

  23. For unto the high priest his proper liturgic acts are assigned, and to the priests their proper office is appointed, and upon the levites their proper ministrations are laid.

  24. Wünsch has shown the liturgic character of a prayer to Asklepios, inserted by Herondas into his mimiambi (Archiv für Religionswiss.

  25. But they made Italy, and later the other Latin provinces, familiar with an ancient ritual of incomparable charm that aroused widely different feelings with its splendid processions and liturgic dramas.

  26. Graillot is rather inclined to admit a Christian influence, but omnipotentes was used as a liturgic epithet in 288 A.

  27. But while the ceremonial of the initiations and even the production of the liturgic drama were thus adapted to the religious habits of the Greeks, the doctrinal contents of the Alexandrian mysteries remained purely Egyptian.

  28. All that was necessary to have him open the fields of Aalu to the soul was to pronounce the liturgic formulas, and if the soul declared its innocence in the prescribed terms its word was readily accepted.

  29. First of all, the liturgic language was no longer the native idiom but Greek.

  30. On liturgic feasts in the religion of Cybele: infra, ch.

  31. But all these discoveries amount to very little if we think of the enormous number of liturgic texts that have been lost, and even in the case of ancient Greece we know little regarding this sacred literature.

  32. One of the few liturgic formulas antiquity has left us refers to these Phrygian banquets.

  33. Purgation of the soul was not effected solely by liturgic acts but also by self-denial and suffering.

  34. Perhaps no loss caused by the general wreck of ancient literature has been more disastrous than that of the liturgic books of paganism.

  35. By studying the arrangement of the temples and the religious furniture that adorned them, one can at the same time determine part of the liturgic ceremonies which took place there.

  36. This venerable organization is rich not only in the possession of a heroic martyr history, but in the inheritance of liturgic forms and usages of unsurpassed beauty and dignity.

  37. To American Presbyterians in general it was something like a surprise to be reminded that the sisterhood of the "Reformed" sects were committed by their earliest and best traditions in favor of liturgic uses in public worship.

  38. Throughout the movement is this alternation of liturgic chorale with tender melody.

  39. With all the purity of shimmering harmonies the form is ecclesiastical in its main lines and depends upon liturgic symbols for its effect and upon the faith of the listener for its appeal.

  40. One stock produced them nearly all: only a few sects (though these, by the way, are by no means the least curious) date from an earlier time or have another origin than this liturgic reform.

  41. Even at the period of the liturgic reform the fanatics had cried that the patriarch's fall was the harbinger of the world's end.

  42. The liturgic reform of the seventeenth century was a revolution in the simplest elements of worship: it called upon the son to unlearn the sign of the cross that his mother had taught him.

  43. That a considerable portion of the people have revolted against the liturgic reform shows that it is not the stupid, sluggish herd Europe has so long imagined.

  44. Similar discussions about the Hallelujah and other liturgic forms are met with long before the Raskol broke out.

  45. Great, then, was the popular bewilderment when the council turned from deposing the author of the liturgic revision to hurl its anathemas against those who opposed that revision.

  46. Another list, intended to show, on a special topic, how closely connected the two languages are, contains eighteen words taken from the liturgic language used in India and Persia.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "liturgic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    baptismal; ceremonial; ceremonious; conventional; decorous; formal; formulary; liturgic; liturgical; pompous; ritual; ritualistic; sacerdotal; sacramental; solemn; stately