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Example sentences for "thinking being"

  • There is no such thing as a material external world; mind alone exists as thinking being, whose nature consists in thinking and willing.

  • I am certain that I am a thinking being, what now is involved in the fact that I am certain of any thing?

  • Now a thinking being, regarded merely as such, cannot be thought otherwise than as subject.

  • Since the being that thinks necessarily has consciousness of itself, no thinking being can be limited to the cognition of purely ideal truths.

  • The absolute oneness or unity of a thinking being can, by no means, be denied.

  • The absolute oneness of a thinking being is supposed to be inconsistent with a plurality of parts.

  • This proposition cannot therefore enounce the identity of the person, by which is understood the consciousness of the identity of its own substance as a thinking being in all change and variation of circumstances.

  • Now I cannot obtain the least representation of a thinking being by means of external experience, but solely through self-consciousness.

  • The "I think" is thus taken as a universal judgment, expressing what belongs to the conception of thinking being in general.

  • It has now to be considered as a possible basis for knowledge of the self as a thinking being (ein denkend Wesen) or soul (Seele).

  • One of these suppositions, viz, that the cause of love and hatred must be related to a person or thinking being, in order to produce these passions, is not only probable, but too evident to be contested.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thinking being" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    agricultural work; catch fish; different species; directing them; est point; fourteen hundred; hide myself; husband and; impartial jury; just then; natural evolution; other departments; sexual abstinence; taken notice; there never; thinking about; thinking aloud; thinking being; thinking only; thinking over; thinking that; thinking what; though you; vice versa; would give; would thou