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Example sentences for "just then"

  • There were active times on the ranch, just then, and Sam was too busy to go to town often.

  • Just then a bright, winsome face, as frank and jolly as a boy's, appeared in the doorway, and in walked Nancy Derwent.

  • Just then we heard a kind Of war-whoop, such as David might have emitted when he knocked out the champion Goliath.

  • Just then I was trying to run a pipe from the Pierian spring.

  • It seemed like actual desertion, and Erica could ill bear it just then.

  • Brian came up just then," said Erica, "and I thought it better not to wait.

  • Just then, to his great surprise, Charles Osmond caught sight of his son standing only a few paces from them.

  • He was a great lover of Nature, and Nature was looking her loveliest just then.

  • But Fate or Providence or Accident--whatever we may choose to call the unaccountable--stepped in just then, and laid before him the means of turning another sharp corner in his career.

  • Just then I saw a little mud-hen light on some sage-brush about thirty yards away.

  • Just then we heard somebody shooting over in the next ravine.

  • Just then a sunbeam, piercing the dark vault of the avenue, shone full upon him.

  • Just then, the moon emerged from the black clouds that surrounded her, and threw sufficient light into the little room, and upon the bed, which faced the window, for the soldier to see that the two sisters had fainted.

  • Just then, by a wondrous mirage an effect very common in high latitudes, the American Coast, though separated from Siberia by a broad arm of the sea, loomed so close that a bridge might seemingly be thrown from one world to other.

  • Bell came running down the path just then, and linking her arm in Polly's said, 'Papa has the nicest plan.

  • Just then a joyous shout was heard, so ringing and triumphant that every man turned in the direction from which it came.

  • Just then La Blanchotte's son appeared in the doorway of the school.

  • Just then I noticed one of your soldiers who was smoking his pipe by the ditch behind the barn.

  • Just then a colt, full of life and friskiness, jumped over the ditches and then stopped suddenly, as if surprised at being alone.

  • Just then, the door opened suddenly, and Monsieur Tournevau came in, and was greeted with enthusiastic cries of "Long live Tournevau!

  • Just then I looked up, and there at the garden gate saw Anscombe's driver, Footsack, the man whom I had despatched to Pretoria to fetch his oxen.

  • Just then we reached the house which had a pretty patch of well-kept flower-garden in front of it, surrounded by a fence covered with wire netting to keep out buck.

  • Just then an officer, making his rounds, came up and looked at me so sternly that I thought it well to retreat.

  • Just then a dim figure approached me from the direction of Virginia--a man, evidently.

  • Emile was the last person whom she wished to see--by whom she wished to be seen--just then.

  • Just then, and for the time, she forgot her love of, even her passion for, mental things.

  • Just then he felt suddenly an invincible reluctance to call Vere's attention to the signs of age apparent in him.

  • Just then I was determined that my companion should not stray back to the wreck, and to that end I was determinedly facetious.

  • His voice came through the window just then, and perhaps I was wrong, but I thought she raised her head to listen.

  • The sustaining chain of her small gold bag gave way just then.

  • If Sullivan had come across the sands just then, I think I would have strangled him with my hands, out of pure hate.

  • A gust of wind came in just then, and the flame turned over on its side and threatened demise.

  • Well, just then I was inventing a new way of getting over a gate--would you like to hear it?

  • Just then a Fawn came wandering by: it looked at Alice with its large gentle eyes, but didn't seem at all frightened.

  • She had not very much time just then to think of the house and the dead woman in it, because on the breakfast-table there was this letter for her.

  • Her fingers caught tightly about Paul's stout arm, but she would have been more at home she thought with Uncle Mathew just then.

  • That made her think of the old days at St. Dreot's, just then, as they seemed, so remote.

  • The old organist left his pupil just then, and disappeared through a little door in the rear.

  • Just then a gust of wind blew his cape over his head and snapped his parasol.

  • Francesca joined me just then, and a tear was in her eye.

  • Just then, out from the post-office, came the Mistress.

  • His only desire, just then, was to put as many thousand miles as possible between himself and the tawny demon that had assaulted him.

  • Lollie came up just then, and Jim took himself and his mending downstairs.

  • Max interrupted us just then, and asked if we knew where Mr. Harbison was.

  • Dal had gone up just then, and found them glaring at each other, Jim with his hands clenched at his sides, and Mr. Harbison with his arms folded and very erect.

  • Just then I saw Jim beckoning to me crazily from the den.

  • Anne came in just then, and the whole story had to be told again to her.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "just then" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    certain districts; just ahead; just and; just beginning; just didn; just estimate; just going; just have; just large; just men made perfect; just mentioned; just nothing; just once; just outside; just peace; just plain; just published; just simply; just such; just that; just then; justify himself; justify the; minor importance; objective case; talk about something else