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Example sentences for "tremulous"

Lexicographically close words:
tremolo; tremor; tremors; tremour; trempe; tremulously; tremulousness; tren; trenails; trench
  1. But therewithal the tremulous silence said: 'Lo!

  2. The tremulous tones, the glistening eyes, and the glowing cheeks of the fair young speaker attested the truth of her filial boast, and I--but you must draw your own morals!

  3. To shine with a tremulous or intermittent light; to shine faintly; to gleam; to glisten; to glimmer.

  4. A faint, tremulous light; a gleaming; a glimmer.

  5. The tremulous sob of the complaining owl.

  6. Harrison stood bewilderedly looking at this country girl who had turned tremulous and pale, and Helen Merriwell stepped forward.

  7. That night before Spurrier's hearth, as in elder times before the roaring logs of some feudal castle, the wandering minstrel paid his board with song and music; his voice rising high and tremulous in quaint tales set to measure.

  8. Such tremulous passion will predispose you to take the fever.

  9. His hand trembled strangely as he lifted it to the door, and he knocked with a tremulous loudness.

  10. He came slowly down the ladder and, surrendering his billhook to Joseph, advanced and proffered a tremulous white hand.

  11. Ezra's tremulous fingers were still at work at the violin keys when Ruth addressed him.

  12. There was a cold, tremulous sensation in the region of his pounding heart.

  13. She has hardly touched any sort of food since Jennie died," Mrs. Mayfield asserted, in a tremulous tone.

  14. She took a deep, tremulous breath, and her lips were drawn tight as from inner pain.

  15. A tremulous groan passed out from his low chest, and his head sank to the fence again.

  16. The patient still lay with closed eyes and lips, showing no sign of life, save in the tremulous beat of her heart and the faint, faint pulse of her wrist.

  17. Madame De Lisle," said the intruder, in a slightly tremulous voice, "I entreat you to pardon this untimely intrusion.

  18. She stretched up her arms to him as if she would have put them round his neck, and bade God bless him with a tremulous voice.

  19. Mrs. Methven on her side was very tired, and tremulous with the exertion of packing.

  20. Now and then he gave a scared and tremulous look about him; but he took no further notice.

  21. Her eyes were shining, not with a brilliant, but a soft light, and the smile with which she met my advance had something in it strangely tremulous and expectant.

  22. She [there was no doubt as to whom he meant by that tremulous she] was the only one I've ever cared for and she's just shown herself a thief.

  23. The sound of firing had put Elizabeth's black boy into a tremulous and white-eyed state.

  24. Her aunt, meanwhile, made the newcomer a tremulous curtsey.

  25. The face of Molly, the maid, was white and ready for weeping, and there was a gravity on the chocolate visage of black Sam that gave the steward a distinctly tremulous moment.

  26. She entered, tremulous with a vast idea that had blazed suddenly on her mind.

  27. It was falling dark; and in the tremulous sky clouds were piled up, and drifted here and there with a sort of endless lack of purpose.

  28. I've brought her to see you, Jamie," introduced Pollyanna, in a tremulous voice.

  29. The meek eyelids drooping over the shrinking agony of those eyes, the mouth parting now and then from its tremulous pressure, the small feet resting so helplessly on the scaffold.

  30. Mistress always kind, very kind, little master," stammered Jube, trying hard to control the tremulous motion that contracted his heavy lips.

  31. Each column looks like a kind of slender net-work, and has a tremulous undulating motion, which has been observed to be produced by the regular alternate rising and falling just alluded to.

  32. They have generally a strong tremulous motion from one end to the other, and this continues till the whole vanishes.

  33. There was a tremulous smile upon her lips, half expectant, half triumphant.

  34. Upon this, Algernon Errington arose in his place and said in a clear, though slightly tremulous voice, "For myself, I desire no adjournment.

  35. Mildred turned it in a way to show that the seal was not yet broken, answering in low, tremulous tones, and between a smile and a sigh, "I have not found out yet.

  36. The last words were spoken in a tremulous half-whisper, her arm about her sister's neck, her lips close to her ear.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tremulous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    tremulous tones; tremulous voice