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Example sentences for "vacuole"

Lexicographically close words:
vacua; vacuities; vacuity; vacuo; vacuolated; vacuoles; vacuous; vacuum; vacuus; vad
  1. The single contractile vacuole lies on the right side in the region of the anal cirri, sometimes just above them, sometimes below.

  2. The contractile vacuole is on the left side, the spheroidal nucleus on the right side of the furrow.

  3. The contractile vacuole is generally on the right side and similarly located.

  4. Unlike the fresh-water variety, this one has no hyaline margin nor hyaline caudal region, and the contractile vacuole is double or multiple on the dorsal side near the posterior end.

  5. One important difference is the presence of only one contractile vacuole in the marine form.

  6. The macronucleus is double; the contractile vacuole is central and on the left side.

  7. The macronucleus is central, and the contractile vacuole posterior and terminal.

  8. The contractile vacuole is in the anterior neck-like portion of the body.

  9. The contractile vacuole is single and is located at the pointed end, which is directed backwards during locomotion.

  10. The contractile vacuole is on the left side in the region of the mouth.

  11. The contractile vacuole is central and dorsal; the macronucleus is in the anterior half of the body, with one attached micronucleus.

  12. The flagellum is inserted in a distinct oesophageal tube, into which the contractile vacuole empties.

  13. The contractile vacuole is close to the base of the flagella.

  14. The pore of the contractile vacuole might be described in the same terms.

  15. The contractile vacuole may be single or multiple; it may receive the contents of a canal, or of a system of canals, which only become visible at the moment of the contraction of the vacuole (fig.

  16. In this group each vacuole contains as a rule a single dark, shining fat-granule, and sometimes also an irregular bunch composed of from two to five or more granules.

  17. Each clear vacuole usually contains a dark shining fat-granule, more rarely a group of such granules (see note B).

  18. Later on this vacuole disappears, and the grains of pigment make their appearance.

  19. Contractile vacuole simple (in fresh-water forms) or absent; plastids yellow or brown always present; reserves fat.

  20. At each end of the cell is a vacuole containing small granules that show an active dancing movement.

  21. From the contractile vacuole (CV) the waste matter is discharged.

  22. We have received the impression that we have here to deal with a vacuole filled with substance secreted by the cell.

  23. The number of the vacuole containing cells is 15-20% of the colourless blood corpuscles.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vacuole" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    cilia; flagellum; vacuole