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Example sentences for "yearn"

Lexicographically close words:
yeares; yearlie; yearling; yearlings; yearly; yearned; yearneth; yearning; yearningly; yearnings
  1. I yearn to behold thy delicate soul To satiate my desire.

  2. Outside the cities are still the long distances, the 'vast, unoccupied areas' of the advertisements; and the men who come and go yearn to keep touch with and report themselves as of old to their lodges.

  3. Twas if I remember: 'Yea you, yourself to yearn as beauty ought.

  4. Ah my sweet, so happy that I yearn to have thee happy too!

  5. I do love your respect and reverent homage, 'tis this doth make me yearn to be more worthy--but alack!

  6. Desire, long for, hanker after, wish for, yearn for.

  7. Some kindred natures of my kind To joy in me, or yearn towards me now!

  8. Thus be thy hopes, Living but to yearn Upwards to the hidden scopes; - Even within the urn Let them burn!

  9. Chapter LXIX I am unsettled by unexpected intelligence, and again yearn after the world of fashion.

  10. I yearn to plunge into the arena once more.

  11. I don't exactly yearn to talk about it, but it is better you should understand how the land lies, so you won't make any mistake.

  12. I like to have a chance of refusing an invitation I yearn for, and then be forced to accept.

  13. Turning from his task of opposition and conflict, he would yearn for the society of little children, whose household loves might dull the noise and violence and passion through which he daily walked.

  14. And it made her heart yearn towards the boy.

  15. I yearn to develop in the world at large those organs of conscientiousness and benevolence which we all possess but so few exercise.

  16. If there is a thing I yearn for, it is the love of my fellow-men.

  17. Since then I yearn for the smell of my dew-moist hills, for the reach of the valleys, and my sweet, cool lake which sparkleth in its bed of rocks.

  18. Choose chariot, steeds, and charioteer, but in the name of Nebo tell us quickly of what we yearn to know.

  19. She yearneth not for me, nor do I yearn for her.

  20. Never did your own heart yearn more over the gaining of an immortal soul to God and goodness, than this same young profligate's bosom has yearned over the destruction of one.

  21. Although his whole heart yearn In passionate tragedy: Never was face so stern With sweet austerity.

  22. Now, when sad night draws down, When the austere stars burn: Roaming the vast live town, My thoughts and memories yearn Toward him, who never will return.

  23. I yearn for you, in spite of the little misunderstanding and interruption to our correspondence?

  24. Not less swift souls that yearn for light, Rapt after heaven's starry flight, Would sweep the tracts of day and night.

  25. A maiden knight--to me is given Such hope, I know not fear; I yearn to breathe the airs of heaven That often meet me here.

  26. And almost as if it were a real mother's heart, Christian felt hers yearn over the poor pale face, growing every minute more ghastly.

  27. She longed for her home with a great longing, as children who have been hurt yearn for the comfort of their mother's arms.

  28. I yearn to see the lady, by whatever name," he murmured.

  29. Not one of them would allow lad of hers to join this romantic galleon, and tempt the black cloud of the distance; neither did Mr. Cheeseman yearn (for reasons of his own about city prices) to navigate this good ship with natives.

  30. Misery may like comp'ny; but it don't yearn for a gallery.

  31. The best of us yearn toward the good poor folk, and we find a healthful joy in aiding them; but we have a set of very different feelings towards the Evil Brigade.

  32. Many men and women yearn after the higher mental life and are eager for guidance; but their yearnings are apt to be frozen into the stupor of despair if we raise before them a standard which is hopelessly unattainable by them.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yearn" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.