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Example sentences for "yoshi"

Lexicographically close words:
yoost; yore; yores; yoreself; yori; you; youah; youd; youe; youer
  1. So receiving the money from Kikugoro[u], rejoicing Yoshi returned to the Yoshiwara.

  2. Yoshi San, please hear what I have to say.

  3. Yoshi San, in accordance with the bargain I give you five ryo[u].

  4. Just as he was forcing a way into the theatre-- Man--"Yoshi San!

  5. Go at once to the house of Jusuké, and ask his wife O'Yoshi to condescend her aid.

  6. Friend--"Yoshi San, did it appear at night?

  7. Said a friend: Friend--"Yoshi San, the colour of your face is bad.

  8. Said she with a smile--"Make Yoshi the wife of the Waka Dono and she will make the fortune even of one so highly placed as Aoyama Dono.

  9. As his brows knit O'Yoshi too grew a little frightened; regretted that she had told so much all at once.

  10. O'Yoshi entertained him with amusing talk of the wardsmen of Nihonbashi, not the most stupid in Nippon.

  11. O'Yoshi was very solicitous over the handsome young man.

  12. This Yoshi yet is to ride in palanquin, to be a daimyo[u]'s wife?

  13. O'Yoshi was a bare twenty-three years in age.

  14. O'Yoshi was all pained surprise and refusal.

  15. A Yoshi with beard and wearing two swords.

  16. O'Yoshi watched the handsome youth well out of sight.

  17. Deign Yoshi to be careful in relations with this man, if he should again appear.

  18. Great statesman and warrior that he was, the Taiko[u] Hidéyoshi must have realised the difficulties confronting his House.

  19. Yoshi was not fit to be the wife; nay, not even the female companion of this arrogant lord?

  20. Hidéyoshi and the Satsuma Clan in the Sixteenth Century, by J.

  21. In 1597, Hidéyoshi died, and the missionaries took heart again.

  22. Footnote 10: How Hidéyoshi made use of the Shin sect of Buddhists to betray the Satsuma clansmen is graphically told in Mr. J.

  23. Hidéyoshi soon made himself familiar with the whole story, and his keen eye took in the situation.

  24. There, because they treacherously aided the great Hidéyoshi to subdue the province, the fiery clansmen, never during Tokugawa days, permitted a Buddhist priest to come.

  25. Yoshi could not make out all the tale-teller said, but he liked to watch him toy with his fan as he introduced his listeners to the characters of his story.

  26. When, however, he returned to Japan, he found Hidéyoshi had died, and the expedition was therefore recalled.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yoshi" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.