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Example sentences for "youd"

Lexicographically close words:
yoreself; yori; yoshi; you; youah; youe; youer; youh; youle; youll
  1. No doubt youd prefer to make it look like an act of self-sacrifice for her sake on your part, or provoke her to break the engagement herself.

  2. If youd like to be very kind and nice you could pay the lot; but I cant deny that it was my fault; so I wont press you.

  3. But youd have to make some excuse, you know.

  4. But if you havent got it, then youd best be respectable and stick to the ways that are marked out for you; for youve nothing else to keep you straight.

  5. Perhaps if youd offer to raise his wages and treat him as one of the family, he'd stay.

  6. But dont think, you two men, that youll be protected if you make what she did an excuse to go and do as youd like to do if it wasnt for fear of losing your characters.

  7. Then I thought youd like one of the latest sort: the chaps that go for the newest things and swear theyre oldfashioned.

  8. I'm sure youd be the first to be sorry if anything was to happen to him.

  9. Oh, if I were to mind you, I should have to hold my tongue altogether; and then how sorry youd be!

  10. Youd better go back to the shop and try to keep your mind off it.

  11. Youd only feel like a fool; and so would I.

  12. Youd appreciate my qualities then: you would indeed sir.

  13. I told you youd be sorry for sendin them away; n you told me to mind me own business.

  14. Youd punch my head if I tried it on you; and serve me right.

  15. I should take it very kind, sir, if youd let me off the drill and let me shave you instead.

  16. I knew youd see things in a sensible light, Weener.

  17. I knew youd eventually have to come crawling to me to save your hide.

  18. I didnt think youd have any difficulty in reading my handwriting.

  19. Instead of sneering at my honest efforts to put your merchandise across to the public, I think youd be better advised to worry about such lowbrow things as keeping faith.

  20. I wish youd come with me for a few minutes; I have a proposition which might interest you.

  21. I ave a full set of blueprints and specifications, if youd like to inspect them, sir.

  22. I doubt if youd been gone an hour yesterday when I knew I'd made a blunder in permitting you to go out with danger in both hands.

  23. I'd as lief youd wait here as go up, if you dont mind, sir.

  24. Youd rather not, of course," said Susanna, despondently.

  25. Youd be what people call a good wife to him, wouldn't you?

  26. And youre all as rotten as me, or youd have lynched me.

  27. If it comes to hanging you, youd better for your own sake be hanged in a proper state of mind than in an improper one.

  28. And if the Vigilance Committee ever gets hold of you, youd better have killed twenty men than as much as stole a saddle or bridle, much less a horse.

  29. If youd only done like me, youd be a free and respectable man this day instead of laying there with a rope round your neck.

  30. Consequently, if you feel guilty, youd better settle em now.

  31. And you gave up drink yourself because when you got that fit at Edwardstown the doctor told you youd die the next time; and that frightened you off it.

  32. FRANK [to Mrs Warren] Goodbye: youd ever so much better have taken my advice.

  33. To Praed] Look here, Praed: youd better go in to tea.

  34. If you can't make yourself agreeable, youd better go home.

  35. If youre going to pick and choose your acquaintances on moral principles, youd better clear out of this country, unless you want to cut yourself out of all decent society.

  36. I said youd gone to town on particular business.

  37. If you took to it youd be a fool; but I should have been a fool if I'd taken to anything else.

  38. I guess you always knew youd here from me when I got goin, eh Mable?

  39. They make speeches to you that youd get your money back without askin up north.

  40. I thought youd like to put it on the mantle in a conspikuous place sos to have somethin to be proud of when your girl friend comes in to talk.

  41. An to here him talk youd think hed never asked me to take it up the hill at all.

  42. But if a fello takes a little time to wash hisself youd think he done a crime.

  43. When you rite I wish youd look up and see when lent is sos I could give up a little somethin.

  44. One of the girls is good looking and the other is more like youd expect.

  45. Youd never catch an American boat carryin fish right on the passenger floor.

  46. I dont think so though cause if it was youd see the Ethel Tower.

  47. I wish youd telegraph him that you died quietly and couldnt I come up for the funeral "on or about" the middle of the month.

  48. Youd have thought we was tryin to blow up the old tug, instead of keepin it clean for him.

  49. Youd be in a nice mess then though with your fathers liver on your hands an no visibul means of support.

  50. Contemptuously snatching his book] Here: youd better let me write the names down for you: youre sure to get them wrong.

  51. Now, I'm only an immoral artist; but if YOUD told me that Jennifer wasnt married, I'd have had the gentlemanly feeling and artistic instinct to say that she carried her marriage certificate in her face and in her character.

  52. Youd pay me something handsome to keep it out of court afterwards.

  53. O thinke not soe: those words Retaine affinity with that passion I hop'd youd left.

  54. But I told him that was all nonsense, and that I knew youd want him to do it.

  55. In case you dont receive letters like that I wish youd let me know.

  56. Youd think that the only reason a fello would give you food was because he expected you to eat it.

  57. Youd ought to have heard the Captin when he saw me.

  58. Youd think me an Angus was runnin some kind of a Cooks toor.

  59. I guess you could get sentimental about piece work in a factory--after youd quit.

  60. I guess youd need a coroner if you ever rolled off it.

  61. From the way he acted youd think he was the fello that invented the war.

  62. The way I imagine a sheep would if youd kicked it.

  63. Youd have thought I was eatin some of his old harness.

  64. Youd have thought we got off right in front of the Fritz trenches the way the oficers acted.

  65. Youd naturally think he meant lie down an take it easy for an hour or so.

  66. But I used to think of how hard youd take it when you saw it in the papers, an how people would come an look at your house an shake there heads an walk away.

  67. But when the Government sounded you as to whether youd marry a man to his deceased wife's sister you very naturally and properly told them youd see them damned first.

  68. I wonder you can look the lad in the face after bullying him and making him sign those wicked lies; and all the time you carrying on with my daughter before youd been half an hour in my house.

  69. If you were not all skunks and cowards youd be suffering with them instead of battening here on the plunder of the poor.

  70. If you had, youd not be in a hurry to have them in again.

  71. Youd throw me over the moment you set eyes on him.

  72. I know that if youd been my mother, youd have been ashamed of me.

  73. You couldnt have forgotten that if youd heard it.

  74. If you cant get off that subject, youd better send for Johnny and papa and begin it all over again.

  75. If your father hadnt made a roasting jack for you to turn, youd be earning twenty-four shillings a week behind a counter.

  76. No; but you asked me to come down here and talk to you; and you mentioned casually that if I didnt youd have nobody to talk about me to but Bentley.

  77. No; but I wish youd tell the Chickabiddy that the Jinghiskahns eat no end of toasted cheese, and that it's the secret of their amazing health and long life!

  78. I've got 3 bully boys an they are helpin me about getting the garden sass into the groun but they haint got no mother an I've a house and a kow and I thort youd be kinder handy to take care of um if youd stoop so much.

  79. I've got 3 Bully boys an they are helpin me about gettin the garden sass into the groun; but they haint got no mother, an ive got a hous and a kow an I thort youd be kinder handy to take care of um, if youd stoop so much.

  80. Youd better ask me questions while you have the chance.

  81. Youd drop dead if a tertiary as much as looked at you.

  82. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "youd" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.