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Example sentences for "youh"

Lexicographically close words:
you; youah; youd; youe; youer; youle; youll; young; younge; younger
  1. Hyeh, you black niggeh, get along with that suppeh, or I come in theah and cut youh damn haid off!

  2. I will rot in youh infehnal dungeons; but I will make no conventions with you.

  3. Youh mother was a Hardaway, but you don't take after that side.

  4. This was youh privilege, and you have used it acco'ding to youh gifts.

  5. Will youh shot-up arm sanction a day's travel, Mistuh Ballard?

  6. You may have noticed that we have no pumping machinery oveh yondeh, Mistuh Ballard: That is because the mine drains out into youh pot-hole below the dam!

  7. Try one of these conchas, suh--unless youh prefer youh pipe.

  8. You add insult to injury, suh, when you offeh me youh contemptible Yankee gold.

  9. Why, you young cub, where are youh mannehs, suh?

  10. When I desiah to sell my birthright for youh beggahly mess of pottage, I'll send a black boy in town to infawm you, suh!

  11. Soon a porter came in to him, examined his ticket, and asked: "Do youh wish youh berth made up now, sah?

  12. Youh has got a ticket fo' de Pullman car, an' dis am it, sah.

  13. Now youh can turn in," said the porter with a smile, as he began to make up another berth.

  14. Youh ain't goin to sit up all night, be youh?

  15. Youh western gen'men gwine to hab youh joke, I see.

  16. Heah's youh seat," went on the porter, escorting Roy to a deep, soft chair.

  17. They told me in the despatchuh's office that youh special was expected in, so I telephoned Sheila and the madam not to wait for me.

  18. Youh hands are tied, and we've got this heah young maniac to deal with.

  19. You-all will rise up in the majesty of youh wrath and put it out of business by terminating the leases.

  20. The major let the business matter drop, and he was working his way patiently through the salad course when he looked up to say: "Was there anything in youh trip to Strathcona to warrant Sheila's little telegraphic dangeh signal, Graham?

  21. Youh see mah mind ain't so clear but when Ah talks 'bout 'em dey kinda comes back tuh me.

  22. Praise de Lord and go to Church, dat de onliest way to keep de debbil offen youh trail and den sometime he almos kotch up wif you.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "youh" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.