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Example sentences for "acquittals"

Lexicographically close words:
acquit; acquite; acquited; acquits; acquittal; acquittance; acquitted; acquitting; acra; acrass
  1. The reader will observe that the percentage of convictions to acquittals of women defendants averages twenty-two per cent greater than the percentage for both sexes.

  2. If we are to test fairly the efficiency of the system, we must deduct from the thirty-four acquittals remaining the fifteen acquittals which were justifiable.

  3. The juries may be whimsical in their decisions, they may be lenient in their acquittals or over-rigid in their verdicts of guilty, but that is quite in keeping with the democratic spirit of the institution.

  4. Who does not recall sensational acquittals in which sympathy for the defendant or prejudice against the plaintiff carried away the feelings of the twelve good men and true?

  5. The acquittals did not average so many as five per cent.

  6. So strong was the popular feeling, that no one once accused of witchcraft was acquitted; at least acquittals did not average one in a hundred trials.

  7. All the acquittals that I have met, of this period, bear this illogical character, sometimes even requiring abjuration de vehementi and inflicting penalties for the offence of which the accused is pronounced innocent.

  8. There is also a striking confirmation in the corresponding acquittals and condemnations of a more serious character.

  9. This is confirmed also by the rarity of acquittals in cases of contumacy.

  10. Of these just about two-thirds occurred in the earlier period, while of the acquittals two-thirds belong to the later period.

  11. It is to be regretted that we have not the records by which to compute the acquittals of this period.

  12. So strong was the popular feeling, that no one once accused of witchcraft was acquitted; at least, acquittals did not average one in a hundred trials.

  13. They say there have been some acquittals earlier," the painter answered, "but it's very hard to be sure about it.

  14. I don't know of any absolute acquittals but I do know of many times when a judge has been influenced.

  15. Mistaken acquittals by these courts were beyond correction, for in the South slaves like freemen could not be twice put in jeopardy for the same offense.

  16. Their task was difficult, as anyone acquainted with the rambling, mumbling, confused and baffling character of plantation negro testimony will easily believe; and the convictions and acquittals were of course oftentimes erroneous.

  17. The fact that there are more convictions and fewer acquittals in England in proportion to the number of trials does not prove that the English system is better than ours.

  18. This has been the subject of much complaint on the part of the public; still a man may condemn such acquittals and when placed on a jury will himself vote for acquittal.

  19. The Parodies cost him eighteen weeks' imprisonment in the King's Bench Prison, from which he was liberated with out trial, on the acquittals of William Hone.

  20. The fourth was the trials and acquittals of William Hone, which Carlile forced on, by reprinting those suppressed political squibs called 'The Parodies on the Book of Common Prayer.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "acquittals" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.