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Example sentences for "adjuvant"

Lexicographically close words:
adjustments; adjusts; adjutancy; adjutant; adjutants; adjuvants; admeasurement; admeasurements; admerall; admettre
  1. In cases of feeble digestion from deficiency of gastric juice pepsin is a valuable adjuvant to the digestive power, and may be given with advantage in connection with the mineral acids or with ipecacuanha or capsicum before meals.

  2. Oil of gaultheria may be used in small doses as an agreeable flavor to the mixture, or in doses of ten to twenty minims, well diluted, as an adjuvant to the salicylate, or even as a substitute for it.

  3. The inclusion of coffee in the average dietary is warranted because of its evident worth as an aid to digestion and for its assimilating power, thus earning its characterization as an "adjuvant food.

  4. It is one of the world's greatest adjuvant foods.

  5. Its action in the alimentary régime is that of an adjuvant food, aiding digestion, favoring increased flow of the digestive juices, promoting intestinal peristalsis, and not tanning any portion of the digestive organs.

  6. Turkish baths form an invaluable adjuvant in the treatment of chronic cases of insomnia arising from rheumatic, gouty, and dyspeptic disorders of the health.

  7. In certain minor affections of a spasmodic character it, therefore, forms a valuable adjuvant to other remedies.

  8. Next to food, the most important adjuvant is fresh air.

  9. Besides, the depression consequent upon failure to sleep when he has fulfilled his physician's directions and when he knows that this is considered an important adjuvant in his treatment, acts as a distinctly discouraging factor.

  10. I ordered him the baths, without any adjuvant treatment whatsoever.

  11. No adjuvant treatment was employed in this case.

  12. While I do not in any such cases accord to the baths the rank of an exclusive remedy or even a specific, their importance as an adjuvant is sufficient to entitle them to special consideration in this connection.

  13. He had some adjuvant medicinal treatment, probably similar to what he had already had in Europe.

  14. Fresh air is the most important adjuvant for this that we have.

  15. It is a stimulant and tonic, and is much esteemed as an adjuvant in medicines prescribed in dyspepsia, flatulence, gout, hysteria &c.

  16. This tincture is reputed pectoral and expectorant; but it is chiefly used as an adjuvant in mixtures, on account of its flavour.

  17. Thus, the adjuvant may also act as a corrigent, as when the addition of soap to aloes, or to extract of jalap, lessens their griping properties, and at the same time promotes their action.

  18. It is of special service where quinia is not well tolerated, or when given fifteen to twenty grains at a time every four to six hours as {1033} an adjuvant to large single doses of quinia.

  19. Alcohol as an adjuvant to treatment is indicated in all cases, whether quinia or salicylic acid or veratrum be simultaneously employed.

  20. Epinephrin, or pituitary extract, is used as an adjuvant intravenously to increase the cardiac movement after it has been started.

  21. Jules Bouvyer, of Cauteretz, employs it with success in certain affections of the larynx as an adjuvant to the sulphurous treatment.

  22. It is warm, pungent, carminative, and stomachic, and is largely used as a condiment in the East, and in Europe as an adjuvant in other medicines.

  23. They are chiefly used as an adjuvant in compound medicines.

  24. Used in medicine as a carminative and astringent, chiefly as an adjuvant to other medicines, e.

  25. As an adjuvant to the natural defensive processes of the patient in all diseases of bacterial origin its value can scarcely be over-estimated.

  26. How the use of yeast as an adjuvant to otherwise inadequate food mixtures exerts its beneficial effect is not yet made clear.

  27. There is no scientific evidence that it has any value either alone or as an adjuvant to sandal oil.

  28. To a sick native's thought the adjuvant medicinal herb used by the doctor, and its associated efficiency-giving spirit invoked by that same doctor, are inseparable.

  29. What I call a "poison" is to them only another material form of a fetich power, both poison and fetich being supposed to be made efficient by the presence of an adjuvant spirit.

  30. I have found it surprisingly gratifying as an adjuvant in the cure of albuminuria, and in lowering the specific gravity of the urine in Saccharine Diabetes its action is promptly and lastingly helpful.

  31. I have never been able to persuade myself that, except as an adjuvant to operative work, there was any real therapeutic value in the instillation of adrenalin.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "adjuvant" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.