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Example sentences for "admitt"

Lexicographically close words:
admissible; admission; admissions; admit; admits; admittance; admitted; admittedly; admitteth; admitting
  1. Further, it is agreed, that none but the Generall Court hath power to chuse and admitt ffreemen.

  2. Vane, in his owne private judgement, by how much he surpassed most men in the religious observation of a trust, the violation wherof he would not admitt of any excuse for.

  3. But Lord Howard replied coldly, "It is what I can in noe parte admitt of, his Majesty haveing been pleased by his Royal instruccons to direct & command that noe appeales be open to the General Assembly.

  4. Philip Ludwell spoke of Bacon's army as "a Rabble of the basest sort of People; whose Condicion was such as by a chaunge could not admitt of worse".

  5. Shee and her daughters Created were for admiration only, And did my Mistress and her sister not Obscure their mothers luster fancy could not Admitt a fuller bewty.

  6. But in no wyse can we admitt Mariage to be used secreatlie, how honorable that ever the personis be.

  7. Prudence will not admitt of my enlarging further upon this subject, as I am at so great a distance, I must beg leave to drop it .

  8. Among other things he writes: 'Most of his actions might well admitt of a double construction, and what he appeared generally to be was seldome what he really was.

  9. Cardinall be sua corrupt, that he will admitt na religioun quhilk dois nott establische the Paip in his kingdome: Bot plane it is, that the Paip is lievetenent to Sathan, and ennemy to Chryst Jesus, and to his perfyte religioun.

  10. Bot fear and dolour had so seazed[1051] the hartis of all, that thei could admitt no consolatioun.

  11. When I have gott over this Block, then have I another pott in my way, That admitt this bee the true God whom we worship, and that be his word, yet why may not the Popish Religion bee the right?

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "admitt" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.