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Example sentences for "aeonian"

Lexicographically close words:
aegyptische; aelteste; aeltesten; aeneus; aeon; aeons; aequales; aeque; aequo; aequor
  1. The words here simply tell that the one shall go into the aeonian life and the other into aeonian punishment, i.

  2. AEonian time is time that fills the mind and imagination to the furthest horizon and beyond it; there is no ulterior prospect.

  3. In the mighty Mother's bosom was the Wise With the mystic Father in aeonian night; Aye, for ever one with them though it arise Going forth to sound its hymn of light.

  4. For we miss to hear the fairy tale of time, the aeonian chant radiant with light and color which the spirit prolongs.

  5. It sounds like great mountains to me, A deep monotone-- Like the veiled AEonian sea, That girdles Time's zone.

  6. From spiritual heights beyond the spheres, My ear elusive music hears; In stressful hours it falls and hovers, And life is lift to AEonian years.

  7. History, 2:66--"After the general judgment we have nothing revealed but the boundless prospect of aeonian life and aeonian death.

  8. And, afterwards, the new spiritual state will probably be an improvement--Aeonian evolution through all the spheres.

  9. A SONG OF THE SON My cradle was the atom, On the breast of the sea I slumbered Through a long aeonian night And wakened on the morning of the world!

  10. Sing for the women who claim the lost title: "Comrade and equal of Man," Women who strike from their sisters AEonian fetters of custom, Bidding them stand and be free from their masters!

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aeonian" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.