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Example sentences for "aidge"

Lexicographically close words:
aide; aided; aider; aiders; aides; aiding; aids; aient; aifter; aige
  1. When she was young she was a purty nice girl, but as she got owlder her nose got sharp, her lips were as thin as the aidge av a sickle, an’ her chin was as pinted as the bow av a boat.

  2. Well, she'll keep him on aidge that-a-way all his life.

  3. Dey plantation was jes' on de aidge of town and dat's what I was born.

  4. I was jus' 'bout gittin' to de aidge of de cawn when dat bear ketched me.

  5. One evenin' I ventured to de aidge of dat swamp, an' somep'n cracked under my feets.

  6. Some apples sets my teeth on aidge before I know it, some victuals riles my stomach jest to mention 'em.

  7. Since he was knee-high he's always had an aidge on most folks, 'count of his size an' weight.

  8. I’ve rafted here sence I was fourteen year old, but beyant the aidge of the hills I don’t know nothin’ of the world.

  9. Wimmern that laughs has always got the aidge on them that cries.

  10. I only wanted to git out into the aidge of town if I could, so I could find work.

  11. He deeg an' deeg, an' bimeby he deeg so hard zee aidge of zee cleef geev way.

  12. One day Clemente take peek, shofel an' he go to aidge of dis cleef.

  13. Take one step arter I say thet I'm acrost; the feel keerfully with yer left foot fur the aidge o' the break, an' then step out ez long ez ye kin with yer right.

  14. Two of their best men dropt inter blue blazes on the first jump will take all the aidge off ther appetite for larks.

  15. I started with him, and Miss Lucy, she follered him out to the aidge the porch with a lamp.

  16. She'd stand on the aidge of her platform and how she would bring down her ruler on a feller's hand!

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aidge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.