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Example sentences for "alone together"

  • The brother and sister would thus be alone together, out in the world; and Roland would have to protect his sister, to render her services which would lift him out of his state of dead dejection, out of his heavy, monotonous sorrow.

  • When he was alone with his son, he questioned him on all kinds of subjects; he even went so far as to ask him how often Eric visited the Countess Bella, and whether they often took walks alone together.

  • Was she reproaching him or simply saying, "You love me; we're alone together?

  • Why--why would you never let us be alone together?

  • They had only escaped from London that they might be alone together.

  • In a way I'm glad we're alone together for a time at any rate," was the answer.

  • Or did he want a companion in his semi-professional rides about the farm, Evelyn never by any chance refused or made excuse, but Edala often did, not only of late but when they had been alone together.

  • This was only when they were alone together.

  • Joey knows how people ought to act when they're alone together.

  • He's been building a culvert for Mr. Ledge, and he's seen 'em alone together twice.

  • But standing on the pavement alone, this exaltation left them; they were glad to be alone together.

  • He did not know why she had come, he did not guess why she wished to be alone with him, but that was what she had asked, and he was taking her where they would really be alone together; and it was not his fault.

  • She wondered what the two men were saying now that they were alone together, and she turned her head to look over the back of the phaeton, but a turn of the road already hid the motor car from view.

  • It's not good for us to be alone together,' she said.

  • Although the Toscani was young enough, she would have found me ice if her daughter had been able to satisfy my desires, but she did not trust me well enough to leave us alone together.

  • Full of amorous wishes and having to be content with the teasing pleasure of seeing one another through a wretched grating, we racked our brains to find out some way to be alone together to do what we liked, without any risk.

  • One night I dined with him in his rooms, he and I alone together.

  • It was of vital importance that Jim and May should be alone together, yes, alone together.

  • She must leave these two people alone together--now--at this propitious moment.

  • Thus once more these two were alone together, not amid the romantic witchery of the southern night, but in the full broad light of day.

  • For your own sake, dearest," he would say on such rare occasions when they were alone together.

  • He has seen Veronica but a few times, and they have certainly never been alone together--what can it really be, such love-passion as that?

  • He knew they wished to be alone together.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alone together" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    about equal; alone have; alone together; alone with; another part; brought about; but according; distant place; dramatic critic; excellent wife; explore the; generally recognised; hand fight; house divided against itself cannot stand; hundred louis; illuminating power; just estimate; phosphate mining; political organization; safety lamp; stirring well; sufficient for; three quarters; tourist industry