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Example sentences for "angleworm"

Lexicographically close words:
angle; angled; angler; anglers; angles; angleworms; anglicization; anglicized; angling; angre
  1. I kant tell whether Pisces would bite on an angleworm or not, but i think thare iz sum law aginst fishing in private ponds.

  2. It is sed (by naturalists) that angleworm ile, rubbed on the back ov the neck will cure a man ov lieing.

  3. The angleworm is of uniform roundness throughout its length and it is with that sentiment or kokoromochi that it must be painted, care being taken to conceal the point of the brush along the line.

  4. In passin' I saw an angleworm three times the size of a firehose, and a beetle big enough to saddle.

  5. They bring us our chow and say it is angleworm and hellgrammite porridge as that is what the Subterro denizens live on mostly.

  6. But it's remarkable how low a temperature a good husky angleworm can stand.

  7. He haint got enny more backbone than an angleworm haz, and wiggles in and wiggles out ov every thing.

  8. Contentment iz a kind ov moral laziness; if thare want ennything but kontentment in this world, man wouldn't be any more of a suckcess than an angleworm iz.

  9. Just so the hornet haz got more sting tew them than a shanghi pullet haz, and an angleworm haz more grit in them than an hanakonda haz.

  10. And when he added that he hadn't seen an angleworm for two days there were a few of his bird companions that began to think perhaps there was some reason in his remarks, after all.

  11. He didn't need to wait--as the birds did--until an angleworm stuck his head above ground.

  12. Don't waste your valuable time looking for the biggest angleworm in the garden!

  13. Bringing forth these essentials to happiness, he found a pole, dug an angleworm from a muddy spot, and dropped his bait just where the water was blackest.

  14. A fresh and exceedingly fat angleworm is looped upon the hook and the wriggling mass is cautiously dropped into the middle of the scum.

  15. The hen rises early in the morning so as to catch the swift-footed angleworm as he flits from flower to flower.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "angleworm" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.