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Example sentences for "antibody"

Lexicographically close words:
anti; antiaircraft; antibiotic; antibiotics; antibodies; antic; antica; antiche; antichi; antichristian
  1. These toxic ferments have a distinct destructive tendency on tissue cells, without any marked influence in stimulating tissue cells for antibody production.

  2. The crying need, however, in these extensive acute infections is rapid antibody formation to neutralize these germ-produced poisons and to eliminate the germs.

  3. Rabbits which have been rendered highly immune towards venoms are capable of resisting without inconvenience doses of abrin which are ordinarily fatal; and the blood serum afforded by them contains a specific antibody for the substance.

  4. According to this scientist the antibody inhibits the morbigenic action of the toxin by neutralizing the toxin, combining with the latter to form a compound of a chemical nature which is devoid of toxicity and without action on the organism.

  5. Any substance which when introduced into the body causes the formation of an antibody of any kind whatsoever is called an antigen,[23] i.

  6. It must be borne in mind throughout the study of these, as has been stated, that every antibody has the property of uniting with its antigen whether it has any property in addition or not.

  7. It is evident that some sort of an antibody results from the first protein injected and that it is specific for its own antigen.

  8. The most important antibody of this latter type is Hæmolysin, a substance that makes its appearance in the blood serum of an animal previously injected with washed blood cells from an animal of a different species.

  9. The antibody could be synthesized and one could attack any epidemic with confidence.

  10. When the antibody was analyzed by those techniques of microanalysis the Service had developed,--why--that was that.

  11. They had a built-in, explosive reaction to bacterial and viral toxins, and there hadn't yet been any pathogenic organism discovered to which a tormal could not more or less immediately develop antibody resistance.

  12. When the antibody was analyzed by those techniques of microanalysis the Service had developed, that was that.

  13. I should say the antibody titer has reached the danger point.

  14. That last checkup showed an antibody titer entirely too high for safety.

  15. It's very probable that the antibody curve will rise.

  16. Only the next time the antibody curve rises, it will be for keeps.

  17. The fact that no true antibody is formed simply makes it unlikely that we shall ever have a vaccine for syphilis.

  18. We knew that the antibody might not work, and the disease might just go right ahead, but we didn't anticipate anything like this.

  19. And when Fuzzy developed a powerful antibody against them, and we started using the stuff--" Jack broke off, shaking his head in horror.

  20. During the landing procedures, Dal had worked to prepare enough of the precious antibody suspension, with Fuzzy's co-operation, to handle a large number of inoculations.

  21. But when they had tried to apply the antibody in the afflicted patients, the response had been totally unexpected.

  22. Off to the right among the infected Bruckians who had received the antibody there were no new dead--but there was no change for the better, either.

  23. If this is a virus infection, we might only need to find an antibody for inoculation to stop it in its tracks.

  24. Preliminary skin-tests of the antibody suspension showed no sign of untoward reaction.

  25. They had identified the disease, found and isolated the virus that caused it, and then developed an antibody that effectively destroyed the virus--in the laboratory.

  26. Even those of us who have not been affected so far are beginning to feel the early symptoms of the antibody attack.

  27. The series took three hours, and by the time the four hundred doses were administered, one thing seemed certain: that the antibody was checking the deadly march of the disease in some way.

  28. Back aboard the ship they started preparing a larger quantity of the antibody suspension.

  29. Even more surprising, the level of the antibody against the plague virus was high--far higher than it could have been from the tiny amount that was injected into the creature.

  30. Controls were needed, to be certain that the antibody suspension alone was bringing about the changes seen and not something else.

  31. They climbed down the ladder once again, with the antibody flasks and sterile syringes strapped to their backs.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "antibody" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    antibody; antigen; antitoxin; blood; bloodstream; circulation; globule; gore; hemoglobin; humor; ichor; immunity; immunization; lifeblood; plasma; resistance; serum