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Example sentences for "arrowpoint"

Lexicographically close words:
arrove; arrow; arrowe; arrowes; arrowheads; arrowpoints; arrowroot; arrows; arrowy; arroya
  1. Pressure Flaking (L)--shaping a stone such as an arrowpoint by removing flakes from the edges by pressure with a pointed implement made of material such as bone or antler.

  2. On the whole the suggestion is strong that the arrowpoint is accultural—and this suggestion is further strengthened by the very existence of the practically functionless, and hence manifestly vestigial, hard-wood foreshaft.

  3. The longest stone arrowpoint in the extensive collection of arrows in the National Museum measures two and five-eighths inches in length and is narrow and thin.

  4. An arrowpoint two inches in length is seldom seen.

  5. Mrs. Arrowpoint thought that the self-confident young lady was much piqued, and that Mr. Grandcourt was probably seeing reason to change his mind.

  6. Miss Arrowpoint has charms which you have not.

  7. Did you not observe how well Miss Arrowpoint shot?

  8. Miss Arrowpoint is a delightful girl--she has been presented at Court.

  9. Miss Arrowpoint colored, and Mr. Bult observed, with his usual phlegmatic stolidity, "Your pianist does not think small beer of himself.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "arrowpoint" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.