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Example sentences for "arrowroot"

Lexicographically close words:
arrowe; arrowes; arrowheads; arrowpoint; arrowpoints; arrows; arrowy; arroya; arroyo; arroyos
  1. Common wheaten flour is far more valuable, and either that or corn flour should always be used in preference to arrowroot when it is important to get as much nourishment as possible.

  2. Ella expected a great quantity of arrowroot would be used; indeed, that was her one idea in regard to invalid diet, but the doctor did not care for it, and never ordered it.

  3. Mix one ounce of arrowroot with sufficient cold water to make a smooth paste; into this pour a gill or more of boiling water, stirring the mixture until it is quite clear; sweeten it with a little sugar, and use it at once.

  4. Arrowroot is another grand dependence of the nurse.

  5. And now we are going up to the Manor House to ask Lady Arundel if she has any arrowroot for it, for ours is all used up.

  6. Caterina took the arrowroot quite eagerly, while Martha was lighting her fire.

  7. Sam was eating a arrowroot biscuit with a bit o' cheese on it at the time.

  8. He sent for the club doctor next morning, and, pending his arrival, partook of a basin of arrowroot and drank a little beef-tea.

  9. Nowadays if a Public Analyst finds flour or arrowroot in a sample bought as cocoa, he describes it as adulterated, and the seller is prosecuted and fined.

  10. Statements, however, get copied from book to book, and hence we continue to read that cocoa usually contains arrowroot or other starch.

  11. Emma, on reaching home, called the housekeeper directly, to an examination of her stores; and some arrowroot of very superior quality was speedily despatched to Miss Bates with a most friendly note.

  12. An airing in the Hartfield carriage would have been the rack, and arrowroot from the Hartfield storeroom must have been poison.

  13. Mix the arrowroot very smoothly with a little cold milk; when the milk boils pour in the arrowroot, and stir until the milk has thickened.

  14. Mix the arrowroot smoothly with a little cold water.

  15. Wet the arrowroot in a little cold water, and rub smooth.

  16. Mix the arrowroot to a smooth batter with one cup of the milk.

  17. Strain the cream, pressing the bag hard to get the full flavor of the almonds, return to the inner saucepan and stir in the arrowroot until the cream thickens—say five minutes.

  18. Stir the arrowroot paste into the salted boiling water; stir and boil five minutes or until it is clear; add the sweetened milk, and boil ten minutes, slowly, still stirring.

  19. Mix the arrowroot paste with the boiling milk; stir three minutes; take from the fire and whip in the egg and sugar.

  20. I cannot say certainly that this can be frozen without turning, although I see no reason why it should not, since the arrowroot gives it the consistency of custard.

  21. SAGO May be substituted for arrowroot in any of the foregoing receipts, when you have soaked it an hour in water poured over it cold, and gradually warmed by setting the cup containing it in hot water.

  22. She got arrowroot gruel and jelly and medicinal delicacies and cushions, and looked forward to a life of nursing.

  23. Also the sick warrior turned down flat the arrowroot gruel and Irish-moss custard and wine jelly and pale broth.

  24. A whole case of best arrowroot wasted, and worse.

  25. So they took their arrowroot cakes, and their molasses cakes, and ate until they were quite full.

  26. So they all took out their arrowroot cakes and ate till they were satisfied.

  27. The mere circumstance of the boiling water being really boiling there, made a difference of two ounces of rice in every four puddings, and of more than half the arrowroot used.

  28. The same quantity of arrowroot which made a pint thin and poor in the general kitchen, made two pints thick and good in Miss Nightingale's.

  29. Add the wet arrowroot and boil, stirring constantly until it is clear; put in the milk and cook ten minutes, stirring often.

  30. One large cupful of boiling milk, one even tablespoonful of arrowroot rubbed to a paste with cold water, two teaspoonfuls of white sugar, a pinch of salt, flavor with rose-water.

  31. If arrowroot is not handy use cornstarch.

  32. He then opened the packet of arrowroot and poured it into a white pudding-basin.

  33. He then turned to the stove to watch the milk, forgetting that Mrs. Hearty had warned him to mix the arrowroot into a thin paste with cold milk before pouring on to it the hot.

  34. The arrowroot plant, cultivated for its starch.

  35. It also enters into the composition of curry-powder, and a sort of arrowroot is made from the young tubers.

  36. The term arrowroot is said to be derived from the fact that the natives of the West Indies use the roots of the plant as an application to wounds made by poison arrows.

  37. Sebastian ate his cup of arrowroot in silence; then he looked at me with wistful, musing eyes.

  38. To understand the behavior of materials like cornstarch, rice flour, and arrowroot in cooking, we need to know more of the starch grain.

  39. Arrowroot is a fine starch from the roots of a family of plants growing in the West Indies and other warm climates.

  40. By degrees I persuaded him to drink the wine and eat the arrowroot en attendant that millennium which was to restore the land to the people.

  41. No, he could not eat my uncle's arrowroot and drink his wine while my uncle was improperly withholding from him and his fellow-creatures so many unprofitable acres: the land belonged to the people.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "arrowroot" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.