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Example sentences for "stove"

Lexicographically close words:
stoutish; stoutlie; stoutly; stoutness; stoutnesse; stoved; stovepipe; stoves; stow; stowage
  1. Finding the men beginning to commit the usual excesses, we stove in the heads of the spirit casks, to prevent mischief, and endeavoured to direct their attention to the general benefit.

  2. Cold struck up through the shining, clammy surface underfoot so that while Sheila's face burned from the heat of the stove her feet were icy.

  3. Sheila transferred her blinking, almost tearful look from the stove to him.

  4. She blinked at the stove and moved her fingers uncertainly.

  5. An iron stove near by glowed with red sides and a round red mouth.

  6. A small stove had been set up in the improvised kitchen, and a big boiler filled with water.

  7. As the stove door opened for the intrepid Moses, out flew Tillie the white bantam hen now as black as a crow with soot.

  8. Moses run fer the ax an’ come back an’ open the stove door, lucky the fire wasn’t started yit.

  9. That stove did nothin’ but smoke till our eyes leaked.

  10. A good orchestra gathered around the stove in the middle of the room.

  11. The gas company will rent you a stove and a meter.

  12. How is the congenial spark of true companionship to be kindled when people brood around a stove and light their pipes with matches, and not with coals snatched out of the camp-fire's edge, or with twigs that burn briefly with baffling flame?

  13. It cannot be denied that the camp stove gives forth warmth and, with more comfort to the cook, serves to cook food of such tame flavor as one may get at home.

  14. There was a soft hissing, as though a thousand snowflakes had fallen on a hot stove all at the same time.

  15. There was a big fireplace with a wooden chimney and a great, gleaming-white porcelain stove bound by brass rings.

  16. The children heard it with worried faces; Paddy listened, disturbed, from the stove behind which, after a chastisement, he had taken refuge.

  17. At that moment something cracked either in the wall or stove that sounded like a knock.

  18. There was Mr. Tiralla lying all his length on the bench by the stove with his head resting on his wife's lap.

  19. While throwing the notes into the stove Uncle Salvatore and Peppino exclaimed from time to time: "'What a shame.

  20. Cina told Giglio to get the stove ready for it was very cold.

  21. Set the saucepan at the side of the stove where it will not boil, and let it stand ten minutes before sending to table.

  22. Cover all with cold water, and let the pot, after coming gradually to a boil, simmer at the back of the stove for at least four hours.

  23. By doing this, and having a cup of vinegar on the stove at the same time, you do away with the disagreeable odor which usually accompanies the cooking of cabbage.

  24. It will not injure it to stand covered at the back of the stove for some time.

  25. Marfinka, who did not know what to say, squeezed herself flat against the stove and looked at her two relatives.

  26. In the house Tatiana Markovna sent her household hurrying to close the stove pipes, the doors and the windows.

  27. When the fire is confined in a clay fire box, and the stove is not overheated, a good supply of fresh air being provided and a vessel of water placed on the stove to reduce the dryness of the air, iron stoves are quite efficient.

  28. In small houses the warming of the various rooms and halls can be accomplished by placing the stove or furnace in the cellar, heating a large quantity of air and conveying it through proper tubes to the rooms and places to be warmed.

  29. From the loft to freedom was a road like jumping from the stove on your forehead,--with this difference, that below the sabres and pikes of the Cossacks watching around the walls were waiting for him.

  30. His stove foundry, the first of importance in northern Ohio, when running to its full capacity, employed but ten hands, and its trade was limited to the immediate vicinity, and a few towns on the canal.

  31. Myers] In 1849, he was instrumental in the formation of the Akron Stove Company, into which the firm of Myers, Cobb & Co.

  32. The increase of the stove manufacturing of the city is estimated to have been full four hundred per cent.

  33. After conducting the business of the company ten years, he felt the want of a larger field for enterprise, cast around for the most eligible situation, and finally concluded that Cleveland was destined to be a great stove centre.

  34. They did fall in patters on the stove and on the floor and on the table.

  35. When she made the biscuits, she was in such a hurry she forgot to set them on a box back of the stove for an airing, as usual, before putting them in the oven.

  36. But I had sees how it was she had not knows of a way; on her lamp-shelf back of the stove there is no bottle of china-mending glue guaranteed to stick.

  37. I'm glad the mamma set it on the lamp-shelf, because I can climb on the stove and reach up to the shelf.

  38. It was very nice, standing there on top the cook-stove watching the bobs they made in the boiler.

  39. Then I made a climb up on the stove to get the bottle of china-mending glue.

  40. Being as she forgot to do it, while she was in the cellar to get the butter I did take the pan of biscuits out of the oven and put them under the stove so they would not miss their usual airing.

  41. By-and-by the fire in the stove made the room warm, and the pictures on the window-panes went away.

  42. After we did have walks all in between the foret de Chantilly, I took more sticks from the wood-box back of the stove and I made another foret.

  43. I stood upon the stove and I put my arm way down in it, and it was coldness.

  44. The vessel C is then placed upon a stove F, and heated until the thermometer t indicates a temperature of 130° C.

  45. The preparation of oxygen by this method, which is due to Boussingault, is conducted in a porcelain tube, which is placed in a stove heated by charcoal, so that its ends project beyond the stove.

  46. The firm has since its commencement been constantly improving in the quantity of its manufactured articles, and has added many valuable improvements to the stock of the stove founder.

  47. Among them the Eclipse Range, a cooking stove possessing numerous advantages over most of those now known, is deserving of especial mention.

  48. There are now six foundries for building steam-engines and machinery of all kinds in full operation, beside six extensive Stove Foundries.

  49. The sole difference between this and the stove foundries, already noticed, is found in the fact that great attention is here paid to architectural and job-work.

  50. This foundry may be regarded as having been the first to introduce into the city the manufacture of the present extensive and complete variety of the finer sorts of stove work.

  51. Behind the pile, indeed, sat Chaine, a burly fellow who was quietly painting away, copying the fireless rusty stove on a small canvas.

  52. I say, Chaine,' continued Sandoz, 'your stove is really very exact.

  53. Before the stove the cinders of the previous winter still lay in a heap.

  54. They also had to light the stove again, and it struck seven o'clock before they were able to draw breath at their ease.

  55. The stove was roaring, and Chaine, still mute, rose up.

  56. The stove was roaring away, the thaw filled the whole studio with water, and slush streamed from the old dust-begrimed plaster casts.

  57. How happy were those months that they spent together, those four months of frost and rain whiled away in the studio, where the red-hot stove roared like an organ-pipe!

  58. The 'Woman taken in Adultery' in the centre, the copy of the Mantegna on the left, and Mahoudeau's stove on the right.

  59. It was an autumnal morning, the north wind was already sharp, and it was by no means warm even in the big studio, although the stove was roaring.

  60. The amount of gas which passes into the stove is also regulated, first, by adjustment of the size of the small opening thru which the gas must flow.

  61. Clothing catches fire easily, but the metal stove will not be consumed.

  62. How was the stove managed when the least fuel was used?

  63. Do not fill the tank when the stove is lighted or when there is a fire anywhere near the tank.

  64. If the little holes where the flames should be, or if any other part of the stove is clogged with soot, it will not burn as it should.

  65. If the stove seems to be out of order, have it put in order before using.

  66. It is far safer to let the small amount of oil left in the stove burn up.

  67. The chimney must set on the burner properly, or the stove will not burn with a blue flame.

  68. Take care in moving kerosene stoves not to jar the chimney or other parts of the burner out of place; otherwise the stove will smoke.

  69. When this happens and the oven damper is closed, the stove will smoke and not bake well.

  70. If the burner is dirty or not properly adjusted, the right amount of air may not reach the vaporized oil to mix with it and the stove will burn with a yellow flame, making soot and smoke.

  71. A sieve on which food is spread hung above the stove is a simple drying device and one of the most practical for home use.

  72. If the gasoline continues to flow out of the burner in spite of turning the valve and there is a danger of its spreading to the floor or table, set a shallow pan under the stove to catch the gasoline.

  73. Readjustment may be required if the stove is moved and connected with a different supply of gas.

  74. It fairly shook the little hut, and the stove roared with the draught created.

  75. In a small stove there was a blazing fire of driftwood, and Larry drew near to the grateful heat, for, though it was only late in September, it was much colder at the beach than in the city, and he was chilly from the drenching.

  76. It was a cold, raw morning, and she went to and fro briskly, burning rubbish in the airtight stove in the sitting room, and keeping a good wood fire going in the kitchen, and feeling housewifely and efficient as she did so.

  77. He remembered her, on many a wintry day, buttoned into just such a crisp apron, radiantly busy and brisk in her kitchen, stirring and chopping, moving constantly between stove and table.

  78. Wash the tapioca, and soak in the milk for two hours, setting it on the back of the stove to swell.

  79. Pour into a colander, that every drop of water may drain off, and then set it at the back of the stove to dry for ten minutes.

  80. Let sink, pantries, stove or range, and working-space for all operations in cooking, be close at hand.

  81. In making a grate or stove fire, keep a coarse cloth to lay before it, that ashes may not spoil the carpet; and wipe about the fire-place with a damp, coarse cloth.

  82. As soon as the wood is well on fire, cover with about six inches of coal, the smaller, or nut-coal, being always best for stove use.

  83. If a gas or oil stove can be used, the operations are all simpler.

  84. Remember, that, as with the fire, plenty of fresh air is necessary for a free blaze, and that your lamp must be kept as free from dirt as the stove from ashes.

  85. Cover with a plate, and set on the back of the stove an hour; then bake from half to three-quarters of an hour.

  86. The kitchen seems the headquarters of extraordinary smells, and the stove an abyss in its consumption of coal or wood.

  87. The modern stove has brought simplicity of working, and yet the highest point of convenience, nearly to perfection.

  88. The jack-pine knots, heavy with pitch, gave to the top of the stove a rosy glow.

  89. In the big cook-stove the fire snapped and crackled and popped.

  90. In ten seconds he had the stove close to the wall, and almost forcibly he made her crouch down behind it.

  91. Suddenly he lifted a lid from the stove and peered into the fire-box.

  92. Mukoki was rattling the lids of the stove when Father Roland entered with his arms filled.

  93. He spoke swiftly, and filled the stove with wood.

  94. In the centre of the single room was an old box stove partly fallen to pieces.

  95. Marie opened the stove door to put in more wood and her face shone rosy and her teeth were like milk in the fire-flash.

  96. Couldn't we make the stove smoke, or put pepper in the desks, or—let me see.

  97. The boys were stamping noisily over the desks, and grouped about the stove in No.

  98. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stove" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.