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Example sentences for "authoritativeness"

Lexicographically close words:
authorising; authoritarian; authoritate; authoritative; authoritatively; authoritie; authorities; authority; authorization; authorizations
  1. Therefore, as we can prove that authoritativeness is both produced and recognised by means of something external, the Mimamsa tenet that 'authoritativeness is self-proved' is like a gourd overripe and rotten.

  2. Buddhists hold that the latter is self-proved and the former proved by something else; the teachers of the Veda maintain that authoritativeness is self-proved and non-authoritativeness proved by something else.

  3. Now we ask, amidst all this discussion, how do the Mimamsakas accept as established their tenet that the authoritativeness of duty is self-proved?

  4. Nor can Udayana's[295] argument be brought forward as establishing the dependence of authoritativeness on something external, for it is swallowed up by the dragon of the equally potent contradictory argument.

  5. It cannot be the former alternative; because the followers of the Nyaya who hold that authoritativeness is proved by something external [as inference, &c.

  6. I shall presently discourse to thee on the authoritativeness of both those courses of duty, for dispelling thy doubts about their true import.

  7. And the moral law has retained its authoritativeness even when the appeal to an external authority has been regarded as inadequate.

  8. The authoritativeness attributed to the moral law has often reference to both kinds of authority.

  9. The idea of authoritativeness has, therefore, come to be connected with feelings having these traits: the implication being that the lower and simpler feelings are without authority.

  10. And this idea of authoritativeness is one element in the abstract consciousness of duty.

  11. He therefore who admits the authoritativeness of the scriptural word has no right to deny that the shape of Indra, and the other gods, is such as we understand it to be from the mantras and arthavâdas.

  12. Nor, finally, can the authoritativeness of the Veda be proved by inferential reasoning so that it would be dependent on instances observed elsewhere.

  13. As the Bhâgavata doctrine thus teaches things opposed to Scripture, its authoritativeness cannot be admitted.

  14. The conclusion, therefore, is that the Bhâgavata system also denies the origination of the soul, and that hence the objections raised on this ground against its authoritativeness are without any force.

  15. He had no intimate, hearty friends among his comrades; but his opinions and judgments had a considerable authoritativeness among them.

  16. Authoritativeness and intolerance are sentiments of which crowds have a very clear notion, which they easily conceive and which they entertain as readily as they put them in practice when once they are imposed upon them.

  17. It is more especially in Latin crowds that authoritativeness and intolerance are found developed in the highest measure.

  18. In this manner arises the authoritativeness of moral requirements, as designating the latest and highest order of means.

  19. In this latter case the authoritativeness lies not in the manner of their presentation to us or our acceptance of them, but in that which is involved in the nature of the truths themselves, if and when they are believed.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "authoritativeness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    authenticity; authority; certainty; clout; cogency; domineering; force; invincibility; might; potency; power; reliability; security; solidity; soundness; stability; strength; substantiality; traditionalism; validity; weight