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Example sentences for "backwardness"

Lexicographically close words:
backstays; backstitch; backup; backward; backwardly; backwards; backwash; backwater; backwaters; backwood
  1. The backwardness of England at such a time was of dubious honesty, as it doubtless was of dubious expediency.

  2. In backwardness and aversion to the propagation of the faith.

  3. Discovering their hypocrisy by their backwardness to go to war for the promotion of the true religion.

  4. In making us to do it slowly and by the halves: and both these effects are called idleness, which is the omission or negligent performance of our duties through a flesh-pleasing backwardness to labour.

  5. So much as might greatly prevail against our inordinate griefs and fears, and our backwardness to duties, and weariness in them, and might make religion an ordinary pleasure.

  6. A mere sinful backwardness is not to be indulged.

  7. An irrational backwardness to God, and grace, and spiritual good, and a refusal or nolition in act accordingly.

  8. This averseness to labour is sinful, when it is a voluntary backwardness to that labour which is our duty.

  9. A phlegmatic temper helpeth him to draw people to drowsy sluggishness, and to an idle, slothful life, and so to ill means to maintain it, and to a backwardness to every work that is good.

  10. If it be a backwardness only to such labour as is no duty to us, it is but a natural and not a vicious sloth.

  11. God, and backwardness to all that is spiritual and holy; so much passion, and readiness to sin; and yet dost thou not find enough to think on?

  12. Her backwardness humiliates her parents, especially because she gave great promise until two years ago.

  13. Does failure or backwardness in studies lead to additional study hours or to regrading?

  14. And the same testimony to their backwardness in open battle reached me from all sides.

  15. It is a mortifying proof of the backwardness of the English in engineering skill, that the king for his works at Dover sent for engineers to Spain.

  16. As a last pretext for hesitation, he sent to Anne herself to desire a protest from her that she was free from contracts; a proof of backwardness on the side of the king might, perhaps, provoke a corresponding unwillingness.

  17. Since the early part of the eighteenth century, a few great thinkers have indeed arisen, who have deplored the backwardness of history, and have done everything in their power to remedy it.

  18. For us, with our knowledge of the sequel, it is a comparatively easy task to assess the gains and losses of the war, and to blame perseverance in one course as wasteful folly or backwardness in another as stupid slothfulness.

  19. The backwardness of the Prussians in supporting Coburg does not deter him from ordering to Flanders all the available British and mercenary troops, in order to besiege Dunkirk, and otherwise help the Imperialists.

  20. The consequences of this backwardness are very hurtful to their interests.

  21. It is just here, if anywhere, that a special backwardness on the part of the clergy to meet the religious wants of the age may, without injustice or unkindness, be alleged.

  22. But a great part of what passes for caution in his character, was in fact backwardness and inertia of temperament, aggravated by the melancholy addition of a painful internal complaint.

  23. To show eagerness would have raised suspicion; backwardness excites the contrary feeling, and a desire to entertain some intercourse.

  24. It is in pure compliance with this humour of theirs, and from a backwardness in my nature to disappoint any one soul living, that I have been so very particular already.

  25. Pollock did not exaggerate the backwardness of the native regiments, or the importance of associating with them a larger body of Europeans.

  26. The evil lot of the rural classes was due more to the backwardness of agriculture, the vast extent of unworked lands common, and the widespread practice of entailing estates, than to bonds of a social character.

  27. Custom recognized a right of way over the lands of others, even when enclosed,--which would seem to indicate backwardness in the development of means of communication.

  28. In Aragon proper the problem was more serious, because of the social backwardness of that region.

  29. The backwardness of Pittsburgh in the development of culture and public spirit, must be traced in part to the negative attitude of a serious minded people toward the amenities of life, and their distrust of the process of government.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "backwardness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.