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Example sentences for "banjos"

Lexicographically close words:
banister; banisters; banjo; banjoes; banjoist; bank; banka; banke; banked; banker
  1. Two banjos lay on the shelf back of the counter.

  2. A moment more and two banjos were thrumming where one had been before, and two melodious voices were drawling the words of "Kentucky Babe.

  3. I'll be right there to-night Where the fields are snowy white; Banjos ringing, darkies singing All the world seems bright!

  4. All interested are respectfully requested to carefully examine our banjos before purchasing.

  5. Big-voiced lassies made their banjos bang, Tranced, fanatical they shrieked and sang.

  6. See how amid the welter of crowds and the deafening crash of drums and banjos the individual faces stand out in the golden light.

  7. Angels play on harps, I'm informed, and spirits delight in banjos and tambourines.

  8. An' how dem banjos dey would ring, An' de cabin flo' would shake!

  9. They was 'lowed to play banjos and guitars at night, if de Patterolas didn' interfere.

  10. They danced to the tunes of banjos and a homemade instrument termed, "Quill", evidently some kind of reed.

  11. The banjos rattled and the tambourines Jing-jing-jingled in the hands of Queens.

  12. From the kitchen there came the sound of banjos tinkling, and the laughter from a merry company of coloured servants, the Christmas eve guests of Jim and Mammy Stevens.

  13. Then, on the second verse, the banjos in the kitchen, and a guitar that had been added to the group, took up the refrain, and all the darkey melody in that part of the house concentrated itself on the same tune.

  14. The banjos rattled, and the tambourines Jing-jing-jingled in the hands of queens!

  15. I like well enough the guitars and banjos that they're playing now.

  16. The guitars and banjos were playing some wailing tune, with a note of sadness in the core of it so keen and penetrating that it made the water come to Harry's eyes.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "banjos" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.