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Example sentences for "banke"

Lexicographically close words:
banjoes; banjoist; banjos; bank; banka; banked; banker; bankers; banket; bankets
  1. This Geant with his ruide myht Part of the banke he schof doun riht, The which evene upon Acis fell, So that with fallinge of this hell This Poliphemus Acis slowh, Wherof sche made sorwe ynowh.

  2. Til ate laste he him bethoghte, As he which al Envie soghte, And torneth to the banke ayein, Wher he with Galathee hath seyn 170 Acis, whom that he thoghte grieve, Thogh he himself mai noght relieve.

  3. But when you come vpon any coast, or doe finde any sholde banke in the sea, you are then to vse your leade oftener, as you shal thinke it requisite, noting diligently the order of your depth, and the deeping and sholding.

  4. For besides the commodities that the soile yeeldeth of pasture and corne, it lieth vpon the famous riuer of Volgha, and looketh ouer it from a high banke very faire and stately to behold: whereof the towne taketh the name.

  5. Aurea Anus, called in the Moscouites tongue, Slata Baba, is an Idol at the mouthe of Obi in the prouince of Obdora, standing on the furthest banke toward the sea.

  6. On the shore or banke of that riuer Westward, there is a goodly, faire, and delectable bay or creeke, conuenient and fit for to harborough ships.

  7. And with prosperous windes the 18 of May we were vpon the Banke of Newfoundland.

  8. On the Northside of this Cape about halfe a league, there is a very dangerous shelfe, and banke of stones.

  9. We saw one of them sleeping vpon the banke of the water: wee thinking to take it, went to it with our boates, but so soone as he heard vs, he cast himselfe into the Sea.

  10. Wee sawe one of them sleeping vpon the banke of the water, and thinking to take it, we went to it with our boates, but so soone as he heard vs, he cast himselfe into the sea.

  11. That which descendeth from northwest, and riseth about saint Kew, is named Carneseie, as I heare: the other that commeth in on the southwest banke hight Laine, and noted by Leland to rise two miles aboue S.

  12. It's a banke of Rocks that the wild men made a Sacrifice to,.

  13. It's a banke of Rocks that the wild men made a sacrifice to; they calls it Nanitoucksinagoit, which signifies the likenesse of the devill.

  14. Then we borrowed on the banke in the channell, and came aground againe; while the floud ran we heaved off againe, and anchored all night.

  15. Within 2 Myles of the Mouth is Strawberry Banke where are many Families, and a Minister & a Meeting House, and to the meeting Houses of Dower & Exceter, most of the people resort.

  16. On thy Banke In a Ranke, Let thy Swans sing her And with their Musicke 330 Along let them bring her.

  17. Heere is none to see or tell, All our flocks are feeding by, This Banke with Roses spred, Oh it is a dainty bed, Fit for my Loue and me.

  18. This day upon the banke we met a Biscaine bound for the Grand Bay or for the passage.

  19. This first of August we fell with the promuntory of the sayd gulfe or second passage, hauing coasted by diuers courses for our sauegard, a great banke of the ice driuen out of that gulfe.

  20. The first of August hauing coasted a banke of ice which was driuen out at the mouth of this gulfe, we fell with the Southernmost cape of the gulfe, which we named Chidleis cape, which lay in 61 degrees and 10 minutes of latitude.

  21. Sidenote: A mightie banke of yce lying North and South.

  22. This day we fell with a mighty banke of ice West of vs.

  23. This day we coasted the shore, a banke of ice lying thereupon.

  24. The gally had seuen pieces of brasse in her prowe, small and great, she had thirty bankes or oares on either side, and at euery banke or oare seuen men to rowe.

  25. After this, passing the Cape of Florida, and cleere of the channell of Bahama, we directed our course for the banke of Newfound-land.

  26. Be it so Lysander; finde you out a bed, For I vpon this banke will rest my head Lys.

  27. No maruell though from banke of Baian shore hote Baths, or veines of skalding licour flow: For Vulcans forge incensed euermore doeth teach vs plaine, that heart of earth below And bowels burne, and fire enraged glow.

  28. The Artillerie, I woulde dispose throughoute all the Campe, a longe the banke of the Trenche: and in all the other space that shoulde remaine towardes weste, I woulde lodge all the unarmed, and place all the impedimentes of the Campe.

  29. Ethelbert at length was buried at Hereford, though first it was committed to buriall in a vile place, néere to the banke of a riuer called Lug.

  30. Yet if her often gnawing kisses winne The traiterous banke to gape, and let her in.

  31. It is to be noted that foure miles to the Norhwards of Dogs nose there growe no trees on the banke by the water side and the bankes consist of fullers earth.

  32. And from thence Don Garcias Lopez de Cardenas with his companie of horsemen went vnto the Sea: and Francis Vasques went to Tiguex, which standeth on the banke of a great riuer.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "banke" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.