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Example sentences for "battailes"

Lexicographically close words:
batsman; batsmen; batswing; battaglia; battaile; battalia; battalion; battalions; battallion; batte
  1. Arming thy battailes I will fight with thee.

  2. Alarum sounded, both the battailes offer to meet, & as the Kings are ioyning battaile, Enter sir Cutber tohis Lady Cutbert, with the Queene Dorothea richly attired.

  3. And now the Battailes ended, If Friend or Foe, let him be gently vsed Rich.

  4. Lord Clifford and Lord Stafford all a-brest Charg'd our maine Battailes Front: and breaking in, Were by the Swords of common Souldiers slaine Edw.

  5. See who it is, and now the battailes ended, ·eah105· Friend or foe, let him be friendlie vsed.

  6. And brother heeres the Earle of Wiltshires Bloud, whom I encountred as the battailes ioind.

  7. These are the battailes of our blessing, Pleasing gods and goddesses who for our service Render us these Conquests.

  8. Deathe is no stranger unto me, I have The doubtfull hazard in twelve Battailes throwne; My chaunce was life.

  9. And turning to his men, Quoth famous Henry then, Though they to one be ten, Be not amazed: Yet haue we well begun; Battailes so brauely wonne Euermore to the sonne By fame are raysed.

  10. Afterwards he would often say, That in other battailes he fought for victory, but in this for his life: and that hee would but little ioy in many such victories.

  11. And if it be true which all men of action doe hold, that the eye in all battailes is first ouercome, then against men equally accustomed to both, the sight of the arrow is more auaileable to victorie then the cracke of the piece.

  12. And therfore it ought to be considered, that the five battailes that be in the front, have all their other partes defended, excepte the fronte: and therfore these ought to bee put together in good order, and with the Pikes afore.

  13. The rankes of the extraordinarie Pikes, whiche you place on the flanckes of the armie, when the first battailes retire into the second, will you have them to stande still, and remain with twoo homes to the armie?

  14. The colour of the King doth come, and go Betweene his purpose and his conscience, Like Heralds 'twixt two dreadfull battailes set: His passion is so ripe, it needs must breake Pem.

  15. My Soueraign Lord, bestow your selfe with speed: The French are brauely in their battailes set, And will with all expedience charge on vs King.

  16. The Battailes of the Lord of Hosts he fought: The Churches Prayers made him so prosperous Glost.

  17. Giue him no breath, but now Make boote of his distraction: Neuer anger Made good guard for it selfe Caes Let our best heads know, That to morrow, the last of many Battailes We meane to fight.

  18. But the pretext to see these battailes rang'd Is much your honour.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "battailes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.