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Example sentences for "batterie"

Lexicographically close words:
battening; battens; battent; batter; battered; batteries; battering; batters; battery; batterys
  1. It's a pity to spoil the romantically picturesque idea which many have of the French batterie de cuisine, but the before-mentioned fact is more often the case than not.

  2. The spectacle is interesting from the Batterie d'Esnotz.

  3. How can public virtue keep its ground against such a rush of the raw material, covered by such a “batterie de cuisine?

  4. Your friend Benoit has already sent his batterie de cuisine, and a quantity of preserved provisions.

  5. We first visited Miss Nightingale's dietary kitchen, in which I immediately recognised the whole of the little camp batterie de cuisine which my friend Comte told me that the Duke of Cambridge had presented to the hospital.

  6. From the great Fort St. Jean at the entrance to the port, and from the Batterie du Phare on the opposite side, flame and smoke belched from heavy guns continuously.

  7. Attempting a somewhat feeble joke, he wrote to France:--"La batterie la plus effective etait ma batterie de cuisine.

  8. Besides the animals before mentioned, he possesses only his batterie de cuisine, some great oil jars and earthenware pots for the storing away of olives, butter and honey.

  9. Balzac describes the batterie de cuisine of one of his characters as consisting of un chaudron, un gril, une casserole et trois marabouts.

  10. Me, I pelong to der Wurtemberg redgimend, dot dey use to suppord der batterie von der Brince von Hohenlohe.

  11. A few moments afterwards, about 2,000 men made a rush out of the Batterie Centrale, and with a loud cheer flung themselves on the French trenches.

  12. After this, the earle caused certeine bulworkes to be made round about the towne, casting trenches betweene the one and the other, laieng ordinance in euerie place where he saw that any batterie might be deuised.

  13. Then finallie was the citie of Baion besieged, and with mines and batterie constreined to yeeld it selfe into the Frenchmens hands.

  14. In the model kitchen is the exquisite range, with its polished batterie de cuisine.

  15. The kitchen must be fitted up with tins, which perhaps had better be bought, but after the batterie de cuisine is finished, then the chairs and beds should be made at home.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "batterie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.