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Example sentences for "beleued"

Lexicographically close words:
belega; beleive; beleived; belemnites; beleue; beleve; belfries; belfry; belges; belie
  1. I wolde neuer haue beleued it, excepte both I had knowen the chylde, and the doer of this crueltie perfitelye.

  2. Of hym that saide he beleued his wyfe better than other, that she was chaste.

  3. Whan I sought you, I beleued your mayde, that sayde ye were not at home, and ye wyll not beleue me myn owne selfe.

  4. Than the foole beganne a lyttel to doubt, whether he were sycke or no: for he halfe beleued that they sayd trouth.

  5. I sweare vnto thee by God, that if any other had told it me besides you, I would not haue beleued it, and truly yet I am in doubt thereof.

  6. In the end, hopyng to be reuenged of the wrong whych shee beleued to receyue of Dom Diego, determyned to endure hir fortune paciently.

  7. By the example wherof diuers of the people the same tyme, much mused, and firmely beleued the doctrine of the foresayd M.

  8. Then some of the young men committed both the burners, & the Byshops their maisters to the deuill, saying that they beleued that they should lament that day, and desired the sayd Walter to speake what he pleased.

  9. The Bastarde beleued him, and vsed such diligence as the Captain of the Guarde could not finde him.

  10. Taurus], wch before I alwayes rather beleued to be, 7.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beleued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.