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Example sentences for "blasing"

Lexicographically close words:
blare; blared; blaring; blarsted; blase; blason; blaspheme; blasphemed; blasphemer; blasphemers
  1. After this night, the comett, or blasing starr, was seene noe more, and ended under the 3d starr in Chorls wayne or Ursa maior.

  2. An hower before day we saw an other comet (or blasing starr) rising just east, in the constellation of Scorpio.

  3. The topic of discourse is the "blasing of armes.

  4. The following are specimens of her directions for 'blasing of armys,' the most important part of the work: "Off armys palit crokyt and sharpe now I will speke.

  5. This yeare also a comet or blasing starre appeared, with long and terrible streames passing from it.

  6. Also in the ninth yeare of king Edwards reigne, before Christmasse, a blasing starre or comet appeared in the north part of the element, by the space of a moneth togither, and after followed dearth and death (as after shall appeare.

  7. The cause why he was surnamed Pendragon, was, for that Merline the great prophet likened him to a dragons head, that at the time of his natiuitie maruelouslie appeared in the firmament at the corner of a blasing star, as is reported.

  8. In the yéere of our Lord 678, in the moneth of August, a blasing starre appéered, with a long bright beame like to a piller.

  9. In the yéere of our Lord 678, in the moneth of [Sidenote: A blasing star.

  10. August, a blasing starre appéered, with a long bright beame like to a piller.

  11. Also in Februarie there appeared a comet or blasing starre verie dreadfull to behold, for the space of thirtie daies togither.

  12. Furthermore, about this time there appeared in England a woonderfull comet or blasing starre.

  13. About the beginning of his reigne a blasing starre was [Sidenote: Wil.

  14. These blasing starres--dreadful to be seene, with bloudie haires, and all over rough and shagged at the top.

  15. For there appeared "a blasing starre, which was seene not onelie here in England, but also in other parts of the world, and continued the space of seven daies.

  16. This blasing starre might be a prediction of mischeefe imminent and hanging over Harold's head; for they never appeare but as prognosticats of afterclaps.

  17. In the fourth yeere a blasing starre appeared, and foure circles were seene about the Sunne.

  18. About this time a blasing starre appeared and continued the space of seuen dayes;[8] which is commonly taken to portend alteration in States.

  19. The yeare following a blasing starre appeared, for the space of fifteene dayes together; the greatest bush whereof pointed towards the East, and the lesser towards the West.

  20. Much rage and violence of weather ensued, and a blasing starre.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "blasing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.