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Example sentences for "boldely"

Lexicographically close words:
bokys; bola; bolas; bold; bolde; bolder; boldest; boldlie; boldly; boldnes
  1. His huntes to chace he co«m»maunde, Here Bugles boldely for to blowe, To fere the beestis in þat launde.

  2. With proude Sarasyns many a man, That boldely durst a-bide.

  3. I am licenced boldely In divinitee to rede, And to confessen, out of drede.

  4. Of al the worlde cure have I In brede and lengthe; boldely I wol bothe preche and eek counceilen; 6845 With hondis wille I not traveilen, For of the pope I have the bulle; I ne holde not my wittes dulle.

  5. For than this boy-knave so boldely Ne sholde not have be hardy, 3850 [Ne] in this verger had such game, Which now me turneth to gret shame.

  6. Sey boldely thy wille,' quod he, I nil be wroth, if that I may, For nought that thou shalt to me say.

  7. It ends very abruptly in the following manner:-- 'Ne half so lettred as am I I am licenced boldely To Reden in diuinite And longe haue red Explicit.

  8. Thanne semeth it, that men that sweren so horribly by his blessed name, that they despyse him more boldely than dide the cursede Iewes, or elles the devel, that trembleth whan he hereth his name.

  9. Thus shul ye speke and bere hem wrong on honde; For half so boldely can ther no man Swere and lyen as a womman can.

  10. So I may boldely be housled, For I borwe nevere, Ne crave of my comune, But as my kynde asketh.

  11. For as in that the holy prophete speaketh boldely vnto God.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "boldely" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.