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Example sentences for "braza"

Lexicographically close words:
braying; brayn; brayne; braynes; brays; brazas; braze; brazed; brazen; brazenly
  1. Banana leaves, which are one braza long and one-half braza wide, serve them as napkins.

  2. The braza is called dipa; that of the city is of sixty points, into which the six feet contained in it are divided.

  3. The use of the blowpipe [zarbatana], which is one braza long, has extended from the Borneans to the Joloans, and even to the Lutaos of this island.

  4. Their breasts are one-half braza long, and they are painted and clothed like their husbands, except that before their privies [natura] they have a small skin which covers them.

  5. The arms used by them consist of a pointed lance one-third of a vara long, which they generally carry, well polished, and set in a handle of strong wood more than one braza long.

  6. The bailan plays on a heavy reed pipe about one braza in length, such as are common to that land, in the manner of a trumpet; and, while thus engaged, the people say that he talks to their gods.

  7. The bar of the river is not more than one braza deep; and its coast thereabout, for more than twenty leagues, is very forbidding.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "braza" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.