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Example sentences for "brayne"

Lexicographically close words:
braws; braxy; brayed; braying; brayn; braynes; brays; braza; brazas; braze
  1. But here comes he that hathe brayne to plott And spyrrytt to acte.

  2. There is no sphynxe That can absolve thys ryddell: well, tys decreed Ile breake my brayne but Ile performe the deede.

  3. In saying so, she began againe to weepe in sutch aboundance, as the humour of hir brayne ranne downe by the issue of bothe hir Eyes.

  4. And as tiranny like a Lord possessed his Brayne in huntinge after the bloud of Christians, so Tiranny like an Enchaunter with the Sorcery of Feminine adulation shed the bloud of his owne begotten.

  5. His name was Anselmo Salimbene, who woulde wyllinglye haue made sute to marry hir, but the discord past, quite mortified his desire, so soone as he had deuised the plot wythin his brayne and fansie.

  6. He begs leave further to add, that Brayne sold several papers last week in his name, and told those who purchased them, that they were wrote by Mr. Moore, and that he published for him.

  7. Than Wallace selff, in to that felloune thrang, With his gud swerd, that hewy was and lang, At Perseis face with a gud will he bar; 595 Bath bayne and brayne the forgyt steill throw schair.

  8. The surprise from Ireland had proved a complete success, and right and left Monk was now able to join hands with Morgan and Brayne along the line of the lochs.

  9. The time was now ripe for the attempt, and Colonel Brayne was despatched to bring it over.

  10. It febleth the ioyntis and the body within Wastynge the brayne makynge the wyt full thyn It engendreth in the hede infirmyte Blyndynge the herte wyt and discression The mynde it demynyssheth, coloure and beaute.

  11. Ye counterfayted Courters come with your fleinge brayne Expressed by these variable Garmentes that ye fynde.

  12. Before the expiration of two years, or in the early summer of 1578, Burbage and Brayne began to quarrel about the division of the money which fell to their share.

  13. As Robert Myles deposed in 1592, Burbage allowed the widow of Brayne for "a certain time to take and receive the one-half of the profits of the galleries of the said Theatre .

  14. In some way Brayne became interested in the new venture.

  15. But Hide, who seems to have been an honest man, always declared that since Burbage and Brayne "did jointly mortgage it unto him" he was honor-bound to assign the property back to Burbage and the widow of Brayne jointly.

  16. There they "fell a reasoning together," in the course of which Brayne asserted that he had disbursed in the Theatre "three times at the least as much more as the sum then disbursed by the said James Burbage.

  17. Ivan, go and see about Mr. Brayne again, and bring him here at once.

  18. I don't doubt that Brayne did it; his flight, I fancy, proves that.

  19. Fourth difficulty: Given the same conditions, how did Brayne get out of the garden?

  20. Yet, you know, I doubt whether Brayne could have cut off this head.

  21. In other words, I found it just where your respectable Mr. Brayne threw it when he ran away.

  22. Nobody could quite make out whether Mr. Brayne was an atheist or a Mormon or a Christian Scientist; but he was ready to pour money into any intellectual vessel, so long as it was an untried vessel.

  23. Brayne would pour supplies into the impoverished and pugnacious Church of France; he would support six Nationalist newspapers like The Guillotine.

  24. He was a wandering sort of scamp, and is known to have been in America; so that was where Brayne got his knife into him.

  25. Did Brayne hate his foe so fiendishly that he stood sabring his body in the moonlight?

  26. Apparently Brayne hated this stranger for some reason; lured him into the garden, and killed him with my sword.

  27. Brayne in the room was as decisive as a dinner bell.

  28. Father Brown was still bending over the head with white hair, and he said, without looking up: "I suppose it is quite certain that Brayne cut off this head, too.

  29. Agaynst weyknesse of the brayne and coldenesse thereof, sethe rosmarin in wyne and lete the pacyent receye the smoke at his nose and kepe his heed warme.

  30. Agaynst weyknesse of the brayne smel to musk.

  31. For the blode by reason of the bawme draweth to the brayne and thereabout is chauffed.

  32. And this mummye is specially founde about the brayne and about the maronge in the rydge bone.

  33. And lykewise is the brayne brent and parched and is the quantyte of mommye and so the blode is mroeued in the rydge of the backe.

  34. I, as a token of mie love to speake, Have brought you jubbes of ale, at nyghte youre brayne to breake.

  35. Captain Brayne bore also the duplicate of the orders of the Spanish Council--which had been forwarded from England to Barbadoes; and he had been instructed by their Lordships the Proprietors, to stop at San Augustin and demand the prisoners.

  36. There are not lacking men to carry out the enterprise: Captain Brayne could scarce be restrained from swooping down on the whole garrison--as Rob Searle did, not long ago, when he rescued Dr.

  37. Captain Brayne and Master Collins and good old Captain Baulk of the Three Brothers had been in earnest conversation for some moments; and now the Carolina's commander came to me and took me gently by the hand, leading me aside.

  38. The sunburnt face of Captain Brayne bent over me, and there were tears in his honest eyes.

  39. Besides Captain Brayne I recognized other officers of the Carolina as the same with whom I had sailed from the Downs nearly two years ago.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brayne" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.