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Example sentences for "brimmed"

Lexicographically close words:
brilliantly; brilliants; brim; brimful; brimless; brimming; brims; brimstone; brindle; brindled
  1. The shadow of a smile touched her mouth, but well-springs of affection brimmed her eyes.

  2. For a moment she sat regarding his broad back; her lip trembled a little, and a tenderness, welling from depths of compassion, brimmed her eyes.

  3. The head gear is generally a broad-brimmed straw hat.

  4. A broad-brimmed felt hat shades his forehead and eyes.

  5. His face was deathly pale, and the hand which held his wide-brimmed hat trembled from excessive weakness.

  6. His broad-brimmed white felt hat sets off his face to advantage.

  7. Beatrice was dressed very quietly in brown, with a simple but courageous broad-brimmed hat, and an unexpected quality of being grown-up and responsible.

  8. He was evidently enormously impressed by my uncle's monetary greatness, and by his own inkling of our identity, and he shone and brimmed over with tact and fussy helpfulness.

  9. By the time the whir of an automobile was heard in the distance they had got into their fresh linen suits and broad-brimmed straw hats, and were waiting on the porch with suit cases and small satchels.

  10. He disappeared through the window and returned in a moment with a broad-brimmed felt hat he had found in the hall.

  11. He wore the broad-brimmed hat and the sober clothing of the Society of Friends.

  12. The ancient Etruscans wore what was known as a Tutulus, a brimless hat with a high pointed centre to the crown; and a broad brimmed hat similar to the Petasus, but with a pointed top like the Tutulus.

  13. That same afternoon he put on his broad-brimmed white hat and, walking out to the village in which she lived, called upon the vicar, who was a particular and intimate friend of his.

  14. The Petasus was a broad brimmed hat of felt with a low round crown.

  15. We have already described the ceremonial garb of the priests, their ordinary costume consists of a wide tunic with sleeves, and a flat broad-brimmed hat of cloth.

  16. How good it is to see him now in the freedom of a flannel shirt and a broad-brimmed gray felt with flies stuck around the band.

  17. He had from time to time a new suit, and he ordered from somewhere in the South a succession of gray, broad-brimmed military hats.

  18. A black broad-brimmed hat was thrown back upon his matted zazzera of dark hair tipped with dusky brown.

  19. Things seem slipping into a decorous wine-party, when Leporello readjusts the broad-brimmed hat upon his head, and very cleverly acts a little love-scene for our benefit.

  20. He wore an enormous broad-brimmed hat and emerald-green earrings, and looked considerably younger than his eldest son, Francesco.

  21. The tears gathered slowly in her eyes as she gazed wistfully at him, wondering at the tender respect he paid her, and one by one they brimmed over and trickled down.

  22. With that her blue eyes quite brimmed over with tears, and she held Virginia close a moment and kissed her.

  23. Jim sank gratefully into the big chair, placed his broad-brimmed hat on his knee, and gave a final twist to his clean bandanna.

  24. In a short time, two tall lads, sunburnt, and sinewy, made their appearance with stock whips in their hands and broad-brimmed hats on their heads.

  25. They were both young and dressed much alike in broad-brimmed pith hats, loose red shirts, corduroy trousers and high boots with spurs.

  26. The reddish flame from the fire lit up his face under the broad-brimmed hat.

  27. Portoghese, who had stood as one dazed, raised eyes that brimmed with tears to the bench and to his old neighbor.

  28. Then helping himself to a thimbleful of anisette, he took off his narrow-brimmed chip hat for the first time, polished up his eye a bit with the knuckle of his fore finger, and looked at his companion fixedly.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brimmed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.