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Example sentences for "brudders"

Lexicographically close words:
browses; browsing; browt; broyled; brudder; brugge; bruise; bruised; bruiser; bruisers
  1. My full brudders was Luther Stitt, Bill Stitt, and Levi Stitt.

  2. My brudders and sisters was Eliza, Aleck, and Milton.

  3. Some of 'em never knowed what 'comed of deir brudders and sisters and daddies and mammies.

  4. Massa Griff fetches us to Texas when I a baby and my brudders what am Redic and Anthony and Essex and Allen and Brick and my sisters what am Ann and Matty and Charlotte, we all come to Texas.

  5. My mammy am owned by Massa Tate and so am my pappy and all my brudders and sisters.

  6. My brudders is Newton and Silas and Willie and Frank.

  7. I got fo' brudders livin', but nary a sister.

  8. In our family am pappy, mammy and three brudders and one sister, Julia, and six cousins.

  9. My brudders done lef' massa after the war and move nex' door to the Ware place, and one Saturday some niggers come and tell me my brudder Peter am comin' to git me 'way from old missy Sunday night.

  10. My brudders name Matthew and Ed and Henry and Harry, what am me, and de oldes' one am General Thomas.

  11. Jus' last week, I hears de young cullud preacher at Karnack say, 'Brudders and sisters, style and brightness am what we needs today.

  12. De other brudders worked wid my father on another plantation.

  13. When we were chillun me other brudders and five sisters played marbles together.

  14. Now, let us sing whilst us gives de new brudders and sisters de right hand of fellowship.

  15. Dese other good brudders is done preached, talked, and prayed, and let the gap down; now I'm gwine to raise it.

  16. My brudders and sisters was Tom, Lizzie, Mary, and Gill.

  17. He haf six brudders an' sisters younger as he iss.

  18. Den Pappy he mai'ed Aunt Josie en dey had er whole passel er chilluns, en dey was my brudders en sisters.

  19. If my daddy had worked and saved lak my mammy, we would be 'way head of what we is, and my brudders say so, too.

  20. You know I had two brudders older than me and a little baby brudder 'bout a year old, when my mammy rent a small farm from Master Greenfield, down at de end of Calhoun Street, near de Broad River.

  21. My full brudders was Jim, Wesley, and Joe.

  22. She was home washin', one day, when my brudders and me was choppin' cotton.

  23. Brudders and sisters, pray, while I preach dat he enter in them pearly gates.

  24. My brudders and sisters was Jeff, Roland, Jane and Fannie.

  25. Dey was brudders and dey was name Rufe and John Grant.

  26. Old massa he die befo' de war and den he son, John Cade, take over de place, and he brudders help.

  27. Ain't got no brudders and sisters what I knows 'bout.

  28. Dey brudders and sisters but only one livin' and dat Clementine James in Beaumont.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brudders" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.