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Example sentences for "dey"

Lexicographically close words:
dextrine; dextro; dextrose; dextrous; dextrously; deyde; deye; deyen; deyer; deyr
  1. The basket contained eggs, and they were broken and smashed over Harlow's head.

  2. You began to grumble a little by the time we had passed through Jersey, and you grew worse and worse till San Francisco was reached.

  3. The girls seemed to take readily to the newcomers, which added to Addison's hostility, as a young lady on whom he had bestowed a great deal of attention was quickly appropriated by Bart Hodge.

  4. It was worth the price of a bushel of eggs to see Rolf Harlow after you struck him with the basket.

  5. After 'dese don'd you pelief me ven dey toldt you I vos scared mit a ghost.

  6. He tell dem to go back and wait till dey find work some place.

  7. Den de white folks asks us in and help ourselves to de cake or wine or whatever dey has, and we does dis on Christmas, too.

  8. First dey takes me to Georgia and dey didn't sell me for a long spell.

  9. But de white folks was jus' rentin' and when dey have no slaves no more dey give it up and move to Tarkington Prairie.

  10. Awhile after dat some of de slaves told marster dey wanted to stay on with him like dey had been but he told 'em no dey couldn't, 'cause dey was free.

  11. Fin'ly I gits de job workin' at de cotton oil mill in Corsicana and stays at dat job till dey says I's too old.

  12. Dey won't work or do nothin' and thinks dey don't have to.

  13. Dey takes him round de knees and begs him do he not tell dere massa where dey at, 'cause dey maybe git kilt.

  14. When we gits sick dey jes' gives us some kind of tea, mostly made from weeds.

  15. Cal and me has six chillen, but he died 'fore dey was grown.

  16. I was in Texas when de war broke out and I hauls corn lots of times to de gin where was de soldier camp, and I helped cook awhile and would have been in de battle of Vicksburg only dey takes another man 'stead of me and he gits kilt.

  17. After freedom dey wuk a whole year and den Major Sangers, he finally come and make de white folks tu'n us loose.

  18. When de real Yankees come dey take corn and gooses and hosses.

  19. He tell he wife dey ain't no kind bullet can hurt him but de silver bullet.

  20. When I marry 'em, dey marry as good as if de Lawd God hisself marry 'em and it don't take no paper to bind de tie.

  21. I wouldn' look up when dey read all 'bout me 'til I heerd somebody say five hundred dollars fer me.

  22. I do not understandt it vy dey shouldt skim deir milk.

  23. Dey go avay for a year or two every six months, undt dey come back mit plenty ohf money ohf one kind undt anodder, but I subbosed dey made it all oudt ohf butter undt eggs.

  24. Ven I saw dem lost dey could make demselves heardt.

  25. Every time dey shoots 'at ball, s'posin' you an' me shoots ten cents?

  26. All right fo' fish to smell like fish, but I prefers to let 'em win any smell race dey starts.

  27. Mebbe dey's got brains just like folks, else how come dey knows when it's train time?

  28. Dey falls by de wayside heah an' dere, an' dey starts early so as to git picked up by some worthy Brother wid steady laigs.

  29. How come de boy frantic what dey named de hotel fo'?

  30. Man whut sold dese shoes said dey wuz fifteens--feels like sho' take bofe to make 'at much.

  31. You gits yo' haids full ob crazy notions, an' after de ruckus dey hauls you out feet fust.

  32. No, w'en dey git scairt dey don't know up an' down an' crossways.

  33. If dey got mooch kids dey mus' got to ketch 'bout twenty rabbit every day.

  34. Dey mak' de track by de cabin, an' dey got all de stuff out.

  35. De collar, an de skin, dey on de cache at de end of dat lak'.

  36. If dey got mooch--w'at you call tenas-man?

  37. But dey can't go mebbe-so hondre mile to hunt de caribou.

  38. Our people is singular in some tings; dey never forgets a kindness.

  39. Stop, me will go an' ask if dey sorry for wot dey hab say.

  40. Den dey take him straight away to de palace and crown him, an', oh!

  41. You mus' know, dat w'en dey make wan king in dis here place, de peeple choose de man; but dey not let him know.

  42. Yis, dat is fat me 'xpec's, for our old king be just dead; but dey nebber tell who dey going to make king till dey do it.

  43. Under this treaty we agreed to send every year to the Dey of Algiers a present of naval stores of the value of twelve thousand sequins, or about twenty thousand dollars.

  44. The Dey was amazed at the sight of the squadron, and, fearful for the safety of his cruisers, all of which were now out, he sent the captain of the port with the Swedish consul-general to ascertain the purposes of the American commodore.

  45. Den Will an' Diana dey die, w'en de house burn down.

  46. Hung two nigguhs on Capitol Avernoo; a man he hit Cah'line wid a rock, an' dey stomped all over her.

  47. How you think you gwinter make white folks do what dey don't want to, huh?

  48. So dey come asho' from whar dey went on de ship at de yacht club station.

  49. Are dey diggin’ a mine under us, or w’at?

  50. K handles deir rifles like dey was crowbars, an’ a flock of elerphants flyin’ low c’d sail over deir heads widout no occasion for worryin’!

  51. K was de comp’ny dat happened to be on dat flank, an’ w’en we plunked dat volley at ’em dey seemed like dey was excited.

  52. O’ course dey wasn’t nobody killed by dat volley, ’cause de odder fellies was too far off to be hit by de wads.

  53. Dat seemed to catch de boys in Hickey’s squad, an’ dey give’m de gran’ laff.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dey" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    bey; collector; governor; proconsul; provincial; viceroy