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Example sentences for "bustin"

Lexicographically close words:
bust; bustard; bustards; busted; busters; busting; bustle; bustled; bustles; bustling
  1. Bustin out into nine harty cheers, we to-wunst organized a meetin for the purpose uv expressin our feelins on the momentous occasion.

  2. But here is another," sed he, bustin into teers; "read that.

  3. Yoo took the seat for the purpose of bustin it; for one term of the Presidency yoo agreed to destroy the Government.

  4. June--He was bustin up dem stick out dere side de wood pile.

  5. Possum--Aun' Izzie, I was bustin up dem splinters dat my daddy brung for you to cook wid en June come en set right under de ax.

  6. A lookin glass stood on it sot in a gold frame work, curlecued off like a great vine, with the golden grapes a bustin out all over it, and sort a droppin down over the glass.

  7. If you have, per'aps you have some idea how consarned harnsome the smile was that cum bustin all over that gal's face, a dimpling up them pesky red lips, and a dancin through them great black eyes.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bustin" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.