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Example sentences for "calcem"

Lexicographically close words:
calcaneum; calcar; calcareous; calcarine; calced; calceolarias; calces; calcic; calciferous; calcification
  1. Some hints may be added from an epistle of Cardinal Isidore (in Farragine Rerum Turcicarum, ad calcem Chalcondyl.

  2. I reach beyond a meagre chronicle (Annales Turcici ad Annum 1550) translated by John Gaudier, and published by Leunclavius, (ad calcem Laonic.

  3. A small tract of Fælix Petancius, chancellor of Segnia, (ad calcem Cuspinian.

  4. Footnote 1: The epistle of Emanuel Chrysoloras to the emperor John Palæologus will not offend the eye or ear of a classical student, (ad calcem Codini de Antiquitatibus C.

  5. Charlemagne (see a Dissertation of Marquard Freher ad calcem Eginhart, p.

  6. The subject is treated with equal learning and bigotry by the Jesuit Gretser, (Syntagma de Imaginibus non Manu factis, ad calcem Codini de Officiis, p.

  7. Footnote 38: The defeat and captivity of Romanus Diogenes may be found in John Scylitzes ad calcem Cedreni, tom.

  8. Paul Silentiarius, (in a poem of 1026 hexameters, and calcem Annae Commen.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "calcem" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.