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Example sentences for "canvasback"

Lexicographically close words:
cantu; cantus; canula; canum; canvas; canvases; canvasman; canvasmen; canvass; canvassed
  1. Just at present I do not wish this canvasback to get cold.

  2. Probably it is the wild celery of this region which gives the especially prized flavor to the terrapin as well as to the Canvasback ducks taken there.

  3. Prairie-chickens have dark meat, and many epicures declare that they should be cooked quite as rare as canvasback ducks and that their flavor when so served is unsurpassed.

  4. The Canvasback is superior in flavor to any other species of wild duck, and is much esteemed.

  5. It will be remembered that Rambolet Bill and Cottswool Canvasback couldn't write, but they had drawn pictures in the book, and when we had gotten another sheepman who couldn't write to examine them he read them just like print.

  6. After we summed all these things up, our hearts got so warm thinking of these acts of generosity by sheepmen that we concluded to make a hunt for Rambolet Bill, Cottswool Canvasback and Jackdo.

  7. The skeletons of Rambolet Bill and Cottswool Canvasback were found a long time after this all happened by one of the Warren Live Stock Company's fence riders.

  8. Listen to this: "Now the festive frog is croaking in the mere, And the canvasback is honking in the bay, And the summer-girl is smiling full of cheer On the willieboys that chance along her way.

  9. No sweet-singing robin-redbreast or soft-honking canvasback for yours truly this A.

  10. Both the Red-head and Canvasback are fond of feeding on wild celery, and it is said that it is this that gives their flesh the fine flavor.

  11. The Canvasback is in great demand on account of the superior quality of its flesh as food.

  12. I saw one old canvasback drake, however, peck at another duck.

  13. These lakes furnish food for the canvasback duck in the various grasses and other growths, of which they are extremely fond.

  14. I managed to land, among others, a beautiful canvasback drake.

  15. Canvasback ducks are considered the finest of the water-fowls for the table.

  16. The canvasback duck is so called from the appearance of the feathers on the back.

  17. The ponds within its borders furnish feeding-grounds for canvasback ducks, redhead, mallard, blackhead and various species of wild geese.

  18. The much despised ruddy," was his reply, "the superior of the canvasback when properly handled.

  19. It is the general supposition that the canvasback breeds in the far north, but from the fact that they are found on the lakes of Mexico as early as October, they must also breed on the higher lakes of our mountains.

  20. When killed on the mountain lakes, our canvasback possesses nearly if not quite as fine flavor as do those of the Eastern states, but when killed on the bays and salt marshes of California they are fishy and barely palatable.

  21. Canvasback {Breeds on the higher lakes { {from Eastern Oregon to the { {Arctic.

  22. Canvasback shooting on our waters affords the finest of sport, as it does not partake so much of flock shooting as it does on the Chesapeake and the Delaware rivers.

  23. The red-head, both species of the scaups, the canvasback and the ruddy are commonly found on the fresh-waters.

  24. Nest and Eggs=--The nest of the canvasback is generally found on some little knoll in the marsh, and is lined with dead grass and feathers, and often with considerable down.

  25. Yes, golf is a splendid game and I love it, though I don't think I'd ever let a good canvasback duck get cold while I was talking about it.

  26. When I have a canvasback duck before me I don't think of anything else while it's there.

  27. Don't you know, suh, that the burnin' of a canvasback is a crime?

  28. You don't degrade a' oyster, a soft shell crab, or a clam with confectionery; why a canvasback duck?

  29. You Nawtherners don't really treat a canvasback with any degree of respect.

  30. The fraud consists in that while the price of the redhead is very reasonable, that of the canvasback is fabulous.

  31. No statelier duck swims than the game and cautious canvasback at such times.

  32. The canvasback comes nicely to decoys usually, particularly if live dusky ducks are used.

  33. But the long, straight black bill and darker forehead are characteristic of the canvasback alone.

  34. Imagine George saying to Lafayette, so you cotild hear it now: "Lafe, that last shot at that canvasback you made was the longest shot ever made on the Potomac.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "canvasback" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.