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Example sentences for "caressed"

Lexicographically close words:
carelessness; carena; carere; cares; caress; caresses; caressing; caressingly; carest; caret
  1. The old comrades of the stable and meadow kissed and caressed each other fondly.

  2. Brigitte held out her hands and caressed me tenderly.

  3. As she was crossing a field, a white goat, straying at liberty through the grass, ran to her side; she caressed it softly, and looked about as if searching for some favorite plants to feed to it.

  4. The fashions were French; but here still lingers the lovely phantom of the old national costume of Genoa, and snow-white veils fluttered from many a dark head, and caressed many an olive cheek.

  5. A small oar lay by her feet, and with this she caressed the ripples and drew, now and then from the unknown depths, the dark-green seaweed that floated by.

  6. Nero, come and greet your master," and the huge mastiff walked boldly in through the open window, and with many demonstrations of pleasure licked the hand that caressed him.

  7. A soft, warm breeze came softly and caressed her with its perfumed wings, fanning her heated brow, and whispering all the time the sweetest words of purity and peace through the interwoven branches of the luxurious vine outside.

  8. She whispered it at last in the ear of her doting father, as she hung about his neck while he petted and caressed her: "For Willie's sake, until he is stronger and able to return to Boston I will remain.

  9. By and by my mother came in with her soft, soothing tones, she pitied and caressed me.

  10. The warm sun baked his back comfortably, the soft-stirring wind caressed his cheeks.

  11. She caressed his hair with a tender, protective hand.

  12. Grandpa, too, had fondled and caressed her idolized mother, and even his wandering faculties had detected her lineage, so that he had clung to her for some better reason than an impulsive and wayward fancy!

  13. With a loving hand he caressed her silky curls.

  14. The little hand whose touch could always soothe his restless spirit, that had once teased and caressed him, opening out visions of a Paradise that his own deeds had now shut out from him for ever.

  15. His personal pose was to transcend the official, to be king of his people, to be caressed by his court and the nation; to go his own way, in short, indifferent to the hand from which he had fed.

  16. The wealth of her husband and the distinction of her own manners made her a personage of great importance among the returned emigrants, who flattered and caressed her.

  17. Are you not esteemed and caressed by numbers who know you capable of shining in a distinguished sphere of life?

  18. My partner was all ease, politeness, and attention; and your friend was as much flattered and caressed as vanity itself could wish.

  19. It is this: I am very much courted and caressed by the family of Mr. Lawrence, a man of large property in this neighborhood.

  20. She caressed her girl's hand and spoke to her,--as mothers know how to speak when they want to make much of their girls, and to have it understood that those girls are behaving as girls should behave.

  21. The drabs he had caressed crept and fawned under his blows, like whipped curs.

  22. She raised her hand, and the fingers caressed the bag in which was the fairy crystal, and she went gaily forward, smiling.

  23. A breeze caressed the leaves overhead, breaking the silence with mysterious whisperings.

  24. Indeed it was scarcely a scene at all--nothing but light, so soft and lovely that it soothed and caressed her eyes.

  25. She undressed, I caressed her, with hand on her cunt, looked at her and said, "Your husband means to make a fortune out of me.

  26. At my arrival I found myself extraordinarily caressed by my father, and he seemed to take a particular delight in my conversation.

  27. Nothing was so much caressed as the Scots, and a man had no more to do in France, if he would be well received there, than to say he was a Scotchman.

  28. Nellie herself said it many a time, as with unwonted tenderness she caressed the unfortunate girl, fearing the while lest she had done her a wrong, for she did not then understand the nature of Maude's feelings for J.

  29. But love is blind, or nearly so; and when, as if to make amends for his remarks, he caressed her with an unusual degree of tenderness, the impulsive woman felt that she would call her daughter anything which suited him.

  30. The sky was still over me, the clammy morning caressed me; but walls of wire and stone told me that my instant of freedom had departed.

  31. Her husband forgave her, and they caressed one another lovingly.

  32. He took it up in his hands, caressed it, and said: 'What do you want with the pretty fish in the basin?

  33. He descended from the roof, went in, caressed his frog tenderly, and then sat down to his tasty supper.

  34. He caressed me, gave me something to eat, and I went away with him.

  35. He felt the hand that caressed him grow cold and pulseless.

  36. Frank sat himself down where he was told, and Mr Gresham put his hand on his son's shoulder and half caressed him, while the tears stood in his eyes.

  37. Gladys and her kitten came purring around in quest of cream; Rita gathered them into her arms and caressed them and fed them bits of cassava and crumbs of cake.

  38. For a moment or two the girl caressed the drowsy cats, then, rising, she resumed her seat, sinking back deeply into the arm-chair and casting a sidelong and uncertain glance at Neville.

  39. There he brought up the child out of his stomach (the child was now a year old), and caressed and petted him a great deal, and was made very happy by his great beauty.

  40. He played and ran about for an hour to her great delight, and she talked to him and caressed him.

  41. At the end of another year, when the boy was five years old, Katar brought him up again, caressed him, loved him, and let him play about the stable as he had done a year before.

  42. The young prince thanked them and caressed them.

  43. When Shankar had caressed and loved him, he swallowed him again for another six months.

  44. Then she brought up the boy; and he played about, and Suri was delighted; she loved him and caressed him, and talked to him.

  45. I gently lowered my gloved hand and caressed its head.

  46. He stooped down and tenderly picked up a small puppy, and gently caressed and kissed it, then handed it back to the Colonel.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "caressed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.