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Example sentences for "cataloged"

Lexicographically close words:
catalepsy; cataleptic; cataleptical; catalla; catalog; cataloging; catalogs; catalogue; catalogued; cataloguer
  1. Raised by Van Mons and cataloged by him in 1823.

  2. Cataloged by Silas Wharton in 1824 under the name of Milner's Favorite.

  3. Cataloged by Dauvesse of Orleans in 1857.

  4. An English variety cataloged by the Horticultural Society of London in 1842.

  5. Each photograph may be cataloged on a separate card if desired and subject cards can also be made to any photographs and filed alphabetically with the geographical index cards.

  6. The business library is always in a hurry to have its material cataloged and put on the shelves at once, and ordering and waiting for receipt of Library of Congress cards does not generally permit of quick enough work.

  7. But pamphlets not fully cataloged and not accessible to the public are, no matter how scientifically arranged, almost useless plunder.

  8. The cards for books received should be put by themselves, alphabetically, and kept until the books they represent have been cataloged and the cards for them have been properly entered in the card catalog.

  9. Veronese D] Photographs of Architecture should be cataloged according to the foregoing rules, except in the following cases: Author card.

  10. If this scheme is going to take in foreign books, and you are going to get cards promptly, a large share of the books will be cataloged before they are bound.

  11. Mr. DEWEY: What shall be the unit of circulation--the cataloged library or the single book or combination?

  12. For many years Mr. Ingraham had little or no assistance in the library, yet for more than 30 years he cataloged every book added to its shelves.

  13. This collection should be classified and cataloged so as to yield the best possible results.

  14. The books which are kept are then classified and cataloged and either sent directly to some patient or ward where I know they will be appreciated, or else placed on the "new book shelves.

  15. What does it mean when a librarian states that a certain number of assistants have during a certain period cataloged a certain number of books?

  16. Many of these must be at hand in the school building and so classified and cataloged that they are available at short notice.

  17. The books deposited by the experiment station in the university library were classified and cataloged and became a part of the library.

  18. All of the books purchased are classified, cataloged and filed as one collection.

  19. It includes: a) Records that describe works cataloged by the Library of Congress, the National Library of Medicine, the U.

  20. Are all books that are cataloged accessioned?

  21. It is my personal opinion that the accession book is superfluous in a library which is completely cataloged and shelf-listed.

  22. Columns of figures, showing the number of books cataloged and the cards made, represent but a small part of what can be done and should not be taken as a measure of value of the cataloging department to the library patrons.

  23. Books can not be cataloged properly without information necessary in the operation of ordering.

  24. These should be cataloged as books are and lists of them should be in the hands of school superintendents, supervisors, principals, and teachers.

  25. Joe Haines asked no further question but in his own mind he cataloged Slim as the fastest man he had ever seen with a gun.

  26. It might be worth only a little, but Slim carefully cataloged it in his mind for future reference.

  27. For instance, if he is searching for arguments to support a new kind of city government he could discard at once several books cataloged as follows, while he could pick unerringly the four which might furnish him the material he wants.

  28. In addition to books cataloged under the topic consulted, others grouped under other subjects may contain related information.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cataloged" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.