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Example sentences for "cataleptic"

Lexicographically close words:
catacomb; catacombs; catafalque; catalectic; catalepsy; cataleptical; catalla; catalog; cataloged; cataloging
  1. Whatever it was it seemed to act as a spell upon the old naturalist, whose eyes were fixed, and his whole aspect that of one suddenly fixed by some cataleptic attack.

  2. Harry's teeth gritted slightly, but he relapsed into his former semi-cataleptic state, as if forced to listen, and unable to move.

  3. This doctor, in the course of a cataleptic seizure in Florida, was aware that he had left his body, which he saw lying beside him.

  4. Hence, it is that apparitions of the dead are most clear and most common about the time of death, and hence also, no doubt, the fact that the cataleptic physician already quoted was seen and recognised by his friend.

  5. The lycanthropist falls into a cataleptic trance, during which his soul leaves his body, enters that of a wolf and ravens for blood.

  6. One Maundy-Thursday night he had lain for three hours in his bed in a cataleptic state, and at the end of that time had sprung out of bed.

  7. In the case of a mesmerised person, the body lies in a cataleptic condition, but the spirit has left it.

  8. It was a strange and impressive sight to see the old man and the young sitting together in the same cataleptic condition.

  9. Such a subject as this enthusiastic strong-willed cataleptic girl, was a rare and most valuable catch for the Dominican Order, and was to be turned to the best account accordingly.

  10. And it is interesting to observe, that the descriptions of these seizures given by her biographer on more than one occasion, show them to have been very evidently of a cataleptic nature.

  11. He had to awake from the dead and cry for light, and was soon in the bitter agony of the cataleptic struggle between life and death.

  12. The adjuration spoke volumes, and for a few moments the old man stood there as if in a cataleptic state.

  13. Methought I was immersed in a cataleptic trance of more than usual duration and profundity.

  14. From that memorable night, I dismissed forever my charnel apprehensions, and with them vanished the cataleptic disorder, of which, perhaps, they had been less the consequence than the cause.

  15. Gradually Baron Reichenbach extended the range of his experiments, employing for that purpose, besides his own daughter, especially a Miss Nowotny, a sad sufferer from cataleptic attacks.

  16. She was a somnambulist, and subject to cataleptic attacks.

  17. They are invariably diseased people, mostly women, who fall into trances, have cataleptic attacks, or suffer of even more painful maladies, and during the time of their affliction behold and converse with the inmates of another world.

  18. The most striking of these is still the cataleptic state, which they cause at will.

  19. The dancer finally falls into a cataleptic state, and remains rigid, as if dead, for a long time.

  20. She approached and spoke to the women who knelt and watched the burning abbey in a cataleptic stupor.

  21. Uther strode out from the tree trunk where he had leant watching the man's cataleptic pose grow into the quick furor of prophecy.

  22. XV After seven cataleptic hours of unbroken sleep Blake awakened to find his shoulder being prodded and shaken by the pale-eyed fourth engineer.

  23. It was not until he was on the tender, making the hour-long run from Woosung up the Whangpoo to Shanghai itself, that he seemed to emerge from his half-cataleptic indifference to his environment.

  24. O'Hana had dropped into a cataleptic state.

  25. He was open to all suggestions of remedy for the cataleptic state into which O'Hana had fallen.

  26. These children had frequently been mesmerized into the trance state by their father; and one of them was subject to spontaneous trance, and at one time was found in the barn in a cataleptic state.

  27. This was not performed by her will, which was inactive in her somnambulic or cataleptic state, as well as her consciousness.

  28. Conversely, when the cataleptic state is induced, the healthy eye becomes incapable of discerning colors.

  29. This cataleptic state may also be secondarily induced by merely opening the eyes of a patient in whom a condition of hypnotic lethargy has been previously developed.

  30. It may be very easily developed during either the lethargic or the cataleptic state as a consequence of pressure or of gentle friction upon the top of the head.

  31. Gazing upon a brilliant light, fixing the eyes upon a piece of polished metal, or upon the shining eyes of a second person, the sudden clangor of a Chinese gong, may suffice to induce the cataleptic state.

  32. If upon a limb of a lethargic subject who has been rendered cataleptic by opening the eyes, an Esmarch's band be applied, pressure over the bloodless muscles excites no contracture until the band is removed.

  33. In this cataleptic attitude she remained for about a minute.

  34. From the immobility of the cataleptic state this rigidity differs by its greater degree of resistance to passive motion.

  35. This locked jaw is the most frequent instance of cataleptic spasm, because we are more inclined to exert the muscles subservient to mastication from their early obedience to violent efforts of volition.

  36. Of cataleptic spasms, of the locked jaw, of painful cramps.

  37. The locked jaw, and some cataleptic spasms, are resembled by this phenomenon; and from hence we may learn the danger to the eye by inspecting very luminous objects too long a time.

  38. She had placed a pillow behind her, so that her back might be erect; but her neck was fixed as that of one in a cataleptic trance.

  39. The Squire felt that in spite of Hardwick's late cataleptic trance the artist was more alive than he was, since wave after wave of powerful animal vitality seemed to emanate from him and fill the little room.

  40. Then, as I was told how Julian had recovered from his cataleptic trance, I called on him!

  41. As she thought of these things, she knew by certain well-marked symptoms that one of her old attacks of almost cataleptic stupor was coming upon her.

  42. After a short cataleptic stage she awakes with a sigh.

  43. At the end of the ecstasy there usually followed a cataleptic state with flexibilitas cerea, which gradually passed over into the waking state.

  44. Once after the cataleptic attack tachypnoea lasting two minutes was observed, with a respiration rate of 100 per minute.

  45. You were in a kind of cataleptic state," I remarked.

  46. To us she may appear dead, but her state may be only a cataleptic one.

  47. When the legs were placed in any position, they would assume a cataleptic rigidity, and remain rigidly fixed in any position for some time.

  48. There was a localized catalepsy of the limb, which was able to preserve any desired attitude in which it was placed; and this attitude could be indefinitely prolonged, just as in cataleptic hysterics.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cataleptic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    anesthetized; apathetic; asleep; catatonic; cold; comatose; dead; doped; dormant; dreamy; drowsy; drugged; dull; flat; foul; groggy; heavy; inactive; inert; languid; languorous; latent; leaden; lethargic; lifeless; logy; napping; nirvanic; nodding; oblivious; out; passive; phlegmatic; sedentary; senseless; slack; sleeping; sleepy; sluggish; slumbering; smoldering; somnolent; soporific; stagnant; standing; static; stoned; stuporous; suspended; tame; torpid; trance; unconscious; yawning