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Example sentences for "certain definite"

  • The reason is, because God can only create upon the pattern of His own essence, which is imitable, outside of God, in certain definite lines of possibility.

  • It requires, though it does not constrain, the agent to act in certain definite ways, the ways of moral goodness.

  • They are arranged in a certain definite order.

  • Just as a chemical substance can only behave in a certain definite way, so a Buddha or a Christ can only live in a certain definite way.

  • When two bodies combine into one substance, it always happens that a certain definite quantity of the one body, expressible in numbers, combines with a certain definite quantity of the other.

  • Not so when it performs external work; to do that work a certain definite portion of the heat of oxidation must be expended.

  • They are images in the concrete, such as the memory of a certain horse in a certain definite situation .

  • The following incident will show to what extent the horse had become accustomed to seeing the questioner in a certain definite position.

  • Everything here described as taking place in the middle of the Sun evolution continues for a certain definite period.

  • It is however evident that through the Luciferian influence, man became independent of certain definite forces to which he had previously submitted without the exercise of his will.

  • We shall only state where the answer can be found to vital questions which naturally present themselves to one who holds a certain definite attitude of mind.

  • Even in ordinary life this feeling has a certain definite effect.

  • It would therefore be quite possible for the palæontologist, by an appeal to the fossils alone, to arrange the series of sedimentary deposits into a pile of strata having a certain definite order.

  • For one of these opposites includes in itself privation, and privation of a certain real essence; now privation is the negation of a certain definite genus.

  • A tuning-fork vibrates at a certain definite rate, and therefore gives a definite note.

  • I have a pipe from which water is very slowly issuing, but it does not fall away continuously; a drop forms which slowly grows until it has attained a certain definite size, and then it suddenly falls away.

  • It is quite unnecessary that I should any further insist upon the fact that the outside of a liquid acts as if it were a perfectly elastic skin stretched with a certain definite force.

  • These were the quantities capable of performing a certain definite action.

  • And thus man comes to believe that natural events follow each other in a fixed order; there arises a conscious reference on his part of certain effects to certain definite causes.

  • We have seen that human beings are equipped, apart from education or training, with certain tendencies to act in certain definite ways, given certain definite stimuli.

  • We found that man is born a creature with certain tendencies to act in certain definite ways, tendencies which he largely possesses in common with the lower animals.

  • It has formed an association between the situation confined in a box with a certain appearance and the response of clawing at a certain part of that box in a certain definite way.

  • The Arunta and Kaitish, with two or three minor neighbouring tribes, believe that spirits desiring incarnation, all of one totem in each case, reside "at certain definite spots.

  • Spencer and Gillen agree with us when they say: "It is this idea of spirit individuals associated with churinga, and resident in certain definite spots, that lies at the root of the present totemic system of the Arunta tribes.

  • To this temperature there will, of course, correspond a certain definite pressure, called the critical pressure.

  • If we fix, say, the temperature, then the pressure will have a definite value; or if we adopt a certain pressure, the liquid and vapour can coexist only at a certain definite temperature.

  • If, however, two of the factors are arbitrarily fixed, then the third factor can only have a certain definite value; at any given values of temperature and pressure a given mass of gas can occupy only a definite volume.

  • The recognition of the need for specialised investigations has led me, in this province of scientific work as in other departments, to devote myself to the elucidation of certain definite problems.

  • This symbol, however, not only represents the particular element, but a certain definite quantity of it.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "certain definite" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being delivered; certain amount; certain cells; certain conditions; certain days; certain directions; certain general; certain hour; certain insects; certain moments; certain occasion; certain persons; certain place; certain pleasure; certain points; certain price; certain respect; certain sense; certain spot; certain state; certain times; certain tree; certainly would; experimental science; more will; receiving intelligence