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Example sentences for "chanell"

Lexicographically close words:
chandeliers; chandelle; chandlers; chandlery; chanel; chanels; chaney; change; changeability; changeable
  1. It may be, that the water of that riuer sanke into the ground, and by some secret passage or chanell tooke course till it came to the place where it might rise againe as in other places is likewise séene.

  2. On the South part of the entrance the chanell is deepest in the middest: and thou must borrow neerer the North side then to the South.

  3. English miles ouer or there abouts, yet be there many rockes, shelues, sands and shallowes in it, so that the very chanell and place for sea roome, is not aboue 2.

  4. The Netherlanders reported, that each of the Queenes ships had 80 pieces of Ordinance, and that captaine Drake lay with 40 ships in the English chanell watching for the armie of the Groine: and likewise that there lay at the Cape S.

  5. And if it had not chanced that wee had fallen into a chanell of deeper water, closer by the shoare then wee accompted of, wee could neuer haue gone cleare of the poynt that lyeth to the Southwardes of Kenricks mount.

  6. M569 The chanell of Bahama betweene Florida and the Isles of Lucayos.

  7. Also you are to take heed of three shelues that are in the chanell vnder the water: and toward the Island on the East side in the chanell, the water is of three or four fadome deepe, and cleere ground.

  8. Finallie, comming to one small chanell aboue Newbridge, it reacheth not aboue six miles yer it fall into the sea.

  9. Being past the Lee (whose chanell is begun to be purged 1576, with further hope to bring the same to the north side of London) we come vnto [Sidenote: Rodon or Rodunus.

  10. The chanell lieth Southwest and Northeast betweene the Islands and Morea, which is firme land.

  11. The reason why this chanell is not more sure to goe thither, is, because the windes that raigne or blowe betweene Zeilan and Manar, make the chanell so shalow with water, that almost there is not any passage.

  12. His bodie was buried at Leicester in a vaut vnder the chanell of the riuer of Sore beneath the towne.

  13. Yarrow and Duglesse, which haue their recourse to the sea in one chanell as I take it.

  14. Bradsha, and yer long taking in the Walmesleie becke, they go in one chanell till they come beneath Bolton in the More.

  15. For west of Kenwith two becks in one chanell doo fall into it, which be namelesse, and but of a little length.

  16. Chanell and Capt Clark signaled over to the flag ship and asked permishion to take the leed, and I am sure we will stay with him as long as the ship floats for we love him.

  17. Signal was flashed by the lookout from the Massachusetts, she being the one to show her serchlight at the entrance of the Harbor for the night, the Spanish was trying to sink one of there old ships in the Chanell so as not to let us in.

  18. The riuer of Trent néere to Notingham, for the space of a mile ceassed to run the woonted course during the time of foure & twentie houres, so that the chanell being dried vp, men might passe ouer to and fro drie shod.

  19. Soone after king Henrie caused a chanell to be cast along the countrie in Lincolnshire, from Torksey to the citie of Lincolne, that vessels might haue passage out of the riuer of Trent vnto the same.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chanell" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.