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Example sentences for "chenar"

Lexicographically close words:
chemist; chemistry; chemists; chemotactic; chemotherapy; chenille; cheque; chequer; chequered; chequering
  1. Great chenar trees, growing in all their luxuriant beauty out of the rocky ground by the water-course, mark the hillside with a patch of green in contrast to the background of sombre brown.

  2. After looking round the fortress and admiring the skill and knowledge with which it was built, we were conducted by the khan to the shade of some beautiful chenar trees, which grew near a little spring not far from the walls of the fort.

  3. The presence of water below the surface is attested by numerous groves of chenar trees.

  4. But I could not help thinking that had we not been spectators the chenar trees might have witnessed the triumph of reason over religious prejudice.

  5. The great chenar trees, two and three centuries old, were still bare, but the willows were showing fresh young leaves; the apricot trees were covered with clouds of blossom, pink and white.

  6. On the left bank one and a half miles from Islamabad is the famous spring of Bawan--a great tank under cool chenar trees.

  7. Towards the end of October the green of the immense masses of chenar slowly turns to purple, red, and yellow, and every intervening shade.

  8. Under the chenar trees in the Residency garden one can sit through a summer day without a hat, and through a summer shower without getting wet.

  9. The whole Bund is overshadowed by great chenar trees and willows, and both sides of the river are lined with house-boats.

  10. It is set in a tank in which play numbers of fountains, and round the borders of the tank are massive chenar trees.

  11. Towards the end of the month and beginning of November the great chenar trees gradually assumed the gorgeous autumn colouring.

  12. Altogether the village and the cool spring welling out of the mountain-side, and the whole shaded by magnificent old chenar trees, form a most attractive spot well worth a visit.

  13. In the compound stood a fine group of chenar trees (Platanus orientalis) whose noble trunks and graceful branches showed in striking contrast to the slender stems of the poplars.

  14. A large contingent of amphibians dwells in the canal leading to the Dal gates, and the Chenar Bagh, sacred to the bachelor, shows not a spare inch along its shady length.

  15. We embarked close to the back of the hotel, at the Chenar Bagh, and went gaily enough down the strong current of what we took to be an affluent of the Jhelum.

  16. After dinner last night we left the hotel, truly thankful to shake the dust of its gloomy precincts from our feet, and sought our boats, which were moored in the Chenar Bagh.

  17. A mighty grove of chenar trees, so huge that I felt as if we were in a great sea cave where the air is dyed with the deep shadowy green of the inmost ocean, and the murmuring of the myriad leaves was like a sea at rest.

  18. Once, in the twilight under the chenar trees, I saw a white gleaming and thought it a swiftly passing Being, but when in haste I gained the tree I found there only a Ninefold flower, white as a spirit in the evening calm.

  19. We moored by a low bank under a great wood of chenar trees, and saw the little table in the wilderness set in the greenest shade with our chairs beside it, and my pipe laid reverently upon it by Kahdra.

  20. The whole of this country was dense chenar jungle; we therefore pushed on, and, after a ride of fourteen miles, we arrived at the Rhatamahatmeya's residence at Doolana.

  21. This chenar extended for some acres, and rose like a hedge, forming a sudden wall of thorns, which effectually checked our advance.

  22. If the shooting is conducted thoughtlessly here and there, without reference to the localities, the whole 'Park' becomes alarmed at once, and the elephants quit the open country and retire to the dense chenar jungles.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chenar" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.